uso, _m._, use.
En cada tierra su uso, y en cada casa su costumbre.
VestÃan de blanco, al uso de su
nación, y montaban caballos tordos.
A principios del siglo XIX el
uso de vapores encareció la necesidad de una tal empresa.
Desde entonces se aficionó 30
al[308] uso de aquella planta, y vivió siempre alegre y
Pensando la madre en su propia
pasajera vanidad, al verse tan bonita, conservó escondido el espejo,
pensando que su uso pudiera engreÃr a la niña.
Pero recuerdo que la goma,
mezclada a su vez con cierta clase de papel forma la «fibra», substancia
que está destinada a un uso ilimitado como sucedánea del cuero.
Consideró, con
todo, que tan prodigiosa alhaja tenÃa sobrado precio para uso de diario,
y la guardó en su cajita y la ocultó con cuidado entre sus mas estimados
Su lenguaje no es italiano ni español, aunque participa de ambos; es una
graciosa mezcolanza de palabras españolas italianizadas y vice-versa,
formada por él para su uso particular.
Mi buen hombre se restregaba los ojos, se palpaba el rostro, el pecho,
los brazos, las manos, para convencerse de que estaba realmente
despierto y en el uso cabal de todos sus sentidos y potencias.
Acostumbrado al uso constante de la fuerza y de los artificios para
defender su existencia contra todo linaje de[6] peligros, es, por
necesidad, astuto y cauteloso; pero injustamente se le ha comparado en
esto a los beduinos.
Y aquel guiso de huevos tan extraño,
Con que toda la isla se alborota,
Hubiera estado largo tiempo en uso
A no ser porque luego los compuso
Un famoso extranjero "a la Hugonota."
Esto hicieron diversos cocineros.
Hoy dÃa ese medio no basta, y la magnitud de las operaciones
agrÃcolas ha hecho necesario el uso de arados de tracción mecánica, con
más de veinte rejas, que llevan a cabo un trabajo que hace poco habrÃa
parecido un sueño poder realizar.
Desdobláronse silenciosamente las
servilletas, nuevas á la verdad, porque tampoco eran muebles en uso para
todos los dÃas, y fueron izadas por todos aquellos buenos señores á los
ojales de sus fraques como cuerpos intermedios entre las salsas y las
necesita una pieza especial de mobiliario, verbigracia, una
manija para una gaveta, un candado, clavos, tornillos, o herramientas de
uso casero como un martillo, una lima, unas tenazas o alicates, ¿dónde
los compra Ud.?[4]
--Esas mercaderÃas menudas de hierro y acero se adquieren en la
ferreterÃa o quincallerÃa.
En otra sala, que se llama oficina o despacho, están los
altos escritorios,[48] ante los cuales empleados diligentes trabajan en
los libros de comercio.[49] Estos establecimientos hacen gran parte de
sus transacciones a crédito,[50] siendo por esto muy común en ellos el
uso de los documentos[51] y papeles de comercio.
Frases de uso común en la clase 3
El viejo y el asno 8
La piedra en el camino 11
La mona.
Nada caracteriza á un
niño como su estilo, aquel genuino modo de expresarse y decirlo todo con
cuatro letras, y aquella gramática prehistórica, como los primeros
vagidos de la palabra en los albores de la humanidad, y su sencillo arte
de declinar y conjugar, que parece la rectificación inocente de los
idiomas regularizados por el uso.
con estas muestras de caballerosa generosidad a
no ceder ni en valor ni en cortesÃa, convinieron entre sÃ
renovar el combate al dÃa siguiente y continuarlo hasta 5
que uno de los dos quedase vencido,[227] prometiendo
ambos no guerrear durante la noche, ni hacer uso de la
artillerÃa, sino solamente de las lanzas y espadas.
Los aztecas vivÃan alegres y contentos hasta la llegada 5
de los españoles los cuales, llenos de codicia por los
metales preciosos, entablaron una lucha sangrienta
contra los aztecas los cuales se defendieron valerosamente
con sus flechas, mientras que los españoles, aunque
muy pocos en proporción, hacÃan uso de cañones y 10
fusiles en sus combates.
Aquella misma tarde el noble perro fué enterrado al pie de un árbol, que
desde entonces lleva por nombre «La encina de Tony.»
Sentado á la sombra en la orilla del rÃo, cubierta la cabeza con un
sombrero de paja de anchas alas ya bastante moreno por el uso, las
piernas colgando, la caña de pescar tendida casi horizontalmente á poca
altura del agua, el bueno de Chaviri se pasaba las horas muertas,
esperando que algún pez picase en su anzuelo.
=uso,= use, custom.
=uso=, _m._, use, usage.
=uso=, _m._, use, custom, fashion.
=uso=, _m._, use; =al uso=, after the fashion.
--Ya no.[146] Se ha abandonado su uso _de_ miedo[147] a los efectos que
el aire confinado tiene sobre la salud.
--No debemos olvidar que la extensión de su uso en la vida ordinaria se
debe al descubrimiento casual de que en combinación con el azufre, la
goma se convierte en una substancia dura que puede reemplazar con
ventaja y económicamente a la madera, los metales y el _papier maché_.
--Señora, interrumpió Garcés con voz entrecortada y disimulando en lo
posible la cólera que le producÃa el burlón regocijo de sus
companeros, yo no me he visto nunca con el diablo, y por consiguiente,
no sé todavÃa como las gasta; pero conmigo os juro que todo podrá
hacer menos dar que reir, porque el uso de ese privilegio sólo en vos
sé tolerarlo.
26 Por esto Dios los entregó á afectos vergonzosos; pues aun sus mujeres
mudaron el natural uso en el uso que es contra naturaleza:
27 Y del mismo modo también los hombres, dejando el uso natural de las
mujeres, se encendieron en sus concupiscencias los unos con los otros,
cometiendo cosas nefandas hombres con hombres, y recibiendo en sà mismos la
recompensa que convino á su extravÃo.
29, note 2.]
Este venerable ermitaño, á cuya prudencia y proverbial sabidurÃa
encomendaron los vecinos de Bellver la resolución de este difÃcil
problema, después de implorar la misericordia divina por medio de su
santo Patrono, que, como ustedes no ignoran, conoce al diablo muy de
cerca, y en más de una ocasión le ha atado bien corto,[1] les aconsejó
que se emboscasen durante la noche al pie del pedregoso camino que
sube serpenteando por la roca, en cuya cima se encontraba el castillo,
encargándoles al mismo tiempo que ya allÃ, no hiciesen uso de otras
armas para aprehenderlo que de una maravillosa oración que les hizo
aprender de memoria, y con la cual aseguraban las cronicas que San
Bartolome habia hecho al diablo su prisionero.'
[Footnote 1: le ha atado bien corto...
=hacer=, 9, to make, do, cause, bring about;
=---- calor=, to be warm (of weather);
=---- caso de=, to give heed to;
=---- correr la voz=, to spread the report;
=---- daño a=, to harm;
=---- de=, to act as;
=---- dormir=, to put to sleep;
=---- el papel de=, to play the part of;
=---- escala en=, to stop at (of boats);
=---- esfuerzos por=, to make efforts to;
=---- estragos=, to work havoc;
=---- falta=, to be lacking;
=---- frente a=, to face;
=---- la gracia de=, to do the favor, honor of;
=---- la prueba=, to make the test;
=---- pedazos=, to break _or_ tear to pieces;
=---- una pregunta a=, to ask a question of;
=---- uso de=, to make use of;
=hace cuatro siglos= four centuries ago;
=hace poco=, a short time ago;
=----se al mar=, to set out to sea;
=----se a uno muy cuesta arriba=, to be uphill work, difficult;
=----se comprender, entender=, to make oneself understood;
=----se el sordo a=, to turn a deaf ear to.
En la Argentina se usa la máquina trilladora.
La caña aplastada y exprimida se llama gabazo, y
se usa como combustible.
El peso de papel
es la unidad de valor en las transacciones comerciales, y 5
se usa en las facturas corrientes, en las cuentas de hotel,
de coches y de almacenes.
Se calcula que algunos pozos dan cerca de ochocientos metros cúbicos por
dÃa.[10] El producto es algo pesado, y la proporción de petróleo liviano
es pequeña; pero tal como sale, constituye un buen combustible que ya
se usa en la industria.
No obstante de que en todas las escuelas y actos
oficiales se usa el español, la gente habla dialectos y aún
el español erróneamente, asà vemos que los andaluces 25
que ocupan el sur de España, llamado AndalucÃa, hablan
ceceoso, o sea pronunciando las más de las _eses, ces_ y
todas las _ces, eses_.
Sobre cubierta se agrupan los pasajeros:
el comerciante de gruesa panza, congestionado como un pavo, con
encorvadas narices israelitas; el clergyman huesoso, enfundado en su
largo levitón negro, cubierto con su ancho sombrero de fieltro, y en la
mano una pequeña Biblia; la muchacha que usa gorra de jockey, y que
durante toda la travesÃa ha cantado con voz fonográfica, al són de un
banjo; el joven robusto, lampiño como un bebé, y que, aficionado al box,
tiene los puños de tal modo, que bien pudiera desquijarrar un
rinoceronte de un solo impulso...
--¿Se usa el _bushel_ norte americano en la medida del trigo?
_Para las fechas ¿se usa la forma ordinal o la cardinal de los
--¿Cuál es el procedimiento que se usa para percibir el importe[76] de
las ventas?
--¿El sistema de provisión de alimentos es idéntico al que se usa en los
Estados Unidos?
--Uno y otro sistema[74]; pero en las ciudades grandes el gas se usa con
preferencia como combustible en la cocina.
Empléese cada uno de los modismos de este cuento en oraciones completas,
usándolo en tiempo distinto del que se usa en el texto.
--En algunas partes se la usa en ciertas industrias, como en la
fabricación de cerveza; en otras se la destina al consumo de las
Empléese cada uno de los modismos de este trozo en frases completas
españolas, usándolo en tiempo distinto del que se usa en el texto.
Empléese cada uno de los modismos de este trozo en oraciones completas
españolas, usándolo en tiempo distinto del que se usa en el texto.
Úsese cada uno de los modismos de este cuento en oraciones completas
españolas, empleándolo en tiempo distinto del que se usa en el texto.
Úsese cada uno de los modismos de este cuento en oraciones completas
originales, empleándolo en tiempo distinto del que se usa en la lectura.
--En efecto allà se encuentran espesos bosques, de árboles tan
gigantescos como el _ahuehuete_, que alcanza una altura de cuarenta
metros, y otros árboles cuya madera se usa en ebanisterÃa como la caoba,
el ébano y el palo rosa.
[54] =¿Se usa todavÃa poner rejas en las ventanas?= _Do they still put
iron gratings in the windows?_ _Are iron gratings still used in the
windows?_ VARIANT: =¿Se usa aún...?= =Aún= should be accented when it
means _still_, and not when it means _even_.
--En las habitaciones, de madera, y los pisos pueden ser lisos, es
decir,[49] sin dibujos, o de parquet, y en este caso[50] se escogen los
motivos, las guardas, etc., al gusto del propietario.[51]
--Una herrerÃa se encarga de las verjas para puertas y portones y de los
demás objetos de fierro.[52]
--¿Se[53] usa todavÃa poner rejas en las ventanas,[54] como se las
ve[55] en grabados _de_ España?
En segundo lugar, no es hoy miércoles, sino
jueves; á no ser que el almanaque de su pueblo sea distinto del que
usamos en Córdoba.
VARIANTS: =Que ya no se
usan=; =que no se estilan=.
Los camellos se usan para transportar mercancÃas por el desierto.
También se
usan esas maravillosas máquinas modernas que cortan las espigas, trillan
el trigo y lo embolsan.
Condiciones parecidas han tenido lugar[258]
en Sud América, donde se usan palabras de procedencia
india y que son desconocidas en España.
Las cinco eran cuando nos sentábamos á la mesa.--Señores, dijo el
Anfitrión al vernos titubear en nuestras respectivas colocaciones, exijo
la mayor franqueza: en mi casa no se usan cumplimientos.
Considérase que la matinita
es la mejor de las dos, pues contiene todas las substancias
que usan las fábricas de los Estados Unidos para 5
preparar la mejor clase de cacao o de chocolate.
sabrá[17] que
algunos estancieros han hecho fortunas criando avestruces en
semi-domesticidad, y que otros han introducido el de Ãfrica, cuya pluma
es más apreciada, sobre todo para fabricar esas boas de pluma que usan
las señoras.
What airs!_
El caballo era un bello animal,[1] negro como el azabache, y llevaba
sobre sus lomos una gruesa montura de pellones azules, al modo como[2]
hasta hoy la usan algunos de nuestros hombres de campo; pero tan bien
recortada y arreglada, que no se notaba en ella el menor defecto.
[Note 334: =exceder a toda ponderación=, _to surpass all imagination_.]
Muchas personas usan magnÃficos sombreros de
Panamá que han sido fabricados en Cuenca, pero no
saben realmente dónde fueron tejidos e ignoran que esa
ciudad envÃa a varios paÃses grandes cantidades de sus
famosos sombreros.
--¿Se usan todavÃa las alcobas en la América latina?
La economÃa de que usaba era suma.
Ni bigotes, ni
patillas usaba ño Neira, como es costumbre en la jente de campo,
mostrando su rostro despejado un jesto de decision y de franqueza, que
le hacia especialmente simpático.
VARIANTS: =Eso se usaba antiguamente= (or
=en los tiempos antiguos=, =en los tiempos pasados=, =en tiempo viejo=,
=antaño=); =eso ha pasado de moda= (or =a la historia)=, _that has gone
out of style_, _that has gone out of fashion_.
La economÃa de que usaba era suma.
Ni bigotes, ni
patillas usaba ño Neira, como es costumbre en la jente de campo,
mostrando su rostro despejado un jesto de decision y de franqueza, que
le hacia especialmente simpático.
VARIANTS: =Eso se usaba antiguamente= (or
=en los tiempos antiguos=, =en los tiempos pasados=, =en tiempo viejo=,
=antaño=); =eso ha pasado de moda= (or =a la historia)=, _that has gone
out of style_, _that has gone out of fashion_.
I used to dream of that tranquil life of
the poet, which glows with a soft light from generation to generation.
I used to dream then of a happy,
independent life, like that of the bird, which is born to sing, and
receives its food from God.
I used to dream that the city that saw my birth would one day swell
with pride at my name, adding it to the brilliant list of her
illustrious sons, and, when death should put an end to my existence,
that they would lay me down to dream the golden dream of immortality
on the banks of the Bétis, whose praises I should have sung in
splendid odes, and in that very spot where I used to go so often to
hear the sweet murmur of its waves.
En segundo lugar, no es hoy miércoles, sino
jueves; á no ser que el almanaque de su pueblo sea distinto del que
usamos en Córdoba.
Pero te
encargo que uses de este dinero mejor de lo que yo he usado de él."
Alegre el estudiante con este descubrimiento, volvió a poner la lápida
como antes estaba, y prosiguió su camino a Salamanca, llevándose el alma
del licenciado.
usar, to use.
uso, _m._, use.
Note use of future tense.
peculiar use of sÃ.
de.= Note the use of _de_.
Note the use of the gerund.
Note use of
relative =que=.
This use of an
expletive dat.
the peculiar use of =lo=.
emplear, to employ, make use of.
Note the use of the future tense.
Note the use of
the subjunctive.
del....= Note peculiar use of _de_.
Note the impersonal use of
Note use of preterite and imperfect.
the indefinite use of =Padre=.
Note again this
common use of _que_.
the use of the preposition _de_.
Note the use of the
historical present.
Note the use of
=mismo= as an intensive.
It is considered better form to use _una_.
Note the use of _que_ and the subjunctive.
Note this common use of exclamatory
Note the use of _que_ instead of
Note the use of _por_ before an
the somewhat similar use of _gens_ in French.
dintel, _m._, lintel; threshold (_incorrect_ use).
Note the use of =lo= to
express an abstract idea.
A gallicism in general use
throughout Spanish America.
Note the use of the subjunctive in
the imperative form.
Note the use
of the reflexive particle with the gerund.
The resulting neologism =budoar=
is now in current use.
Note the use of the future tense to indicate a
The Americans made use of modern machines to build the canal.
Compare the use of _alguno_ in
affirmative and negative uses.
Note the use of the present
tense in referring to the future.
This boy must resemble (use _future of probability_) his father.
This expletive use of
preposition and relative is not uncommon.
Note the use of _ir_ as an
auxiliary verb with the past participle.
Note the use of the definite
article instead of a personal pronoun.
The best
writers sometimes use _la_ in this way, to avoid ambiguity.
le han robado=, 'that they stole from you.'
Note this use of the pres.
Note the use of the definite article
when referring to a third person.
use is now somewhat archaic, and is restricted to relative clauses.
de chicotazos=; this use of a partitive
construction after _dar_ is common.
of_ =emplear=
=emplear= to use
=empuñar= to grasp
=empuñó= _3 sing.
The lower
classes sometimes use =cafetera= for _borrachera_, 'drunkenness'.
A contraction of _otra hora_, the use of which
is confined chiefly to poetry.
ganancias no dejará....= Note use of _no_ in expressing an
affirmative conjecture.
Note the use of _que_ when the action of one verb is
compared with that of another.
The Spanish Academy condemns the use of _la_
instead of _le_ as a feminine dative.
Children born of the union may
use both names, if they wish: thus, _López y MartÃnez_.
A redundant use of the conjunction quite
frequently found in Spanish.]
VARIANT: =La verdad es que.=
[5] =no se permite [a sà mismo].= Note the use of reflexive.
good!_ VARIANT: =¡Bien!=
[24] =mis capitalistas.= Note colloquial use of possessive pronoun.
VARIANTS: =En verdad; ciertamente;
de seguro; ¡Ya lo creo!=
[23] Impersonal use of _haber_.
Paco Núñez==_también Paco Núñez habÃa escrito á
Luisa_: for the use of =le=, see second note, l.
Note the use of =de=
instead of _del_ and similarly, the form =a Palacio= is used instead of
Compare the use of
the relative in this phrase with that to which attention has been
called on p.
For purposes of assonance little use is made of words accented on a
syllable preceding the antepenult.
la Unión
no se ha convertido....= Note the use of the perfect indicative in
referring to a future event.
Note the common use
of _ir_ as an auxiliary verb with the present participle to form a
progressive tense.
They make use of it for their
games of hoops, of "skipping the rope," of ball, and of "hide-and-seek."
Note the use of the definite article
instead of the possessive adjective, before words denoting parts of the
Las compañÃas no han entrado en arreglos con los
comerciantes a fin de interesarlos en que el público use sus aparatos.
You may use this eBook for nearly any purpose
such as creation of derivative works, reports, performances and
Notice the use of _haya_ instead of tenga,
although possession is indicated.]
[Footnote 3: la calle de Chicarreros.
This use of the accusative _le_ instead of _lo_,
when the object is not personal, is sanctioned by the Spanish
Our thanks are given to this company for
permission to use this material and for aid in preparing this part of
the manuscript.
Roessler and Alfred Remy
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever.
This use of the imperfect
subjunctive in _-ra_, with the force of a pluperfect or preterite
indicative, is not uncommon in Spanish.
The use of a
possessive adjective before its noun, and preceded by another modifier,
was once common, but it is now archaic or poetic.
Besides the ordinary
receptacles for holding liquids, a variety of syringes and rubber bulbs
were manufactured for use during these contests.
were brought to Spain in a scallop-shell; hence the use of that
emblem by pilgrims to his sanctuary.]
[Footnote 3: Santiago = 'St.
This may possibly be a negative
use of _cualquiera_, before the verb, similar to that of _jamás_, _en mi
vida_, etc.; or it may be merely ironical.
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The increasing study of Spanish in high schools and colleges
has made necessary the preparation of a text of a simpler character
than those now in common use.
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valer, to be worth, be valuable, be responsible for; mas vale incomodo
que ninguno, better comfortless quarters than, none at all; _refl._,
to avail oneself (of), make use (of).
servir, to serve, be of service (_or_ use), avail, act; -- de, to
serve (_or_ act) as; con el diablo no sirven (juegos), (tricks) don't
work with the devil; _refl._, to deign, be pleased.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Reina Valera New Testament of the Bible 1909, by
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In mediaeval times it was a great favorite with the
church, and was appointed for use at compline, from the first
vespers of Trinity Sunday up to nones on the Saturday before Advent
VARIANTS: =En último análisis; a lo más.=
[12] =el más grande de los dos,= _the greater of the two._
[13] =¡cuánto más no ha de...!= _How much more will it not be._ Note
peculiar use of _no_.
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Elijah Clarence Hills and various
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Lawrence Wilkins and Max Luria
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almost no restrictions whatsoever.
Such _living_ forms of expression, embodied as they
are in subjects closely related to Spanish American activities and
conditions of to-day, afford the most practical kind of material for
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Title: A First Spanish Reader
Author: Erwin W.
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To make it available for use almost at the very
beginning of the Spanish course only the present tense has been employed
in the first twenty-three selections and difficult constructions have
been consistently avoided.
This use is not sanctioned by the
Spanish Academy, nor, as Knapp says, "by the best modern writers."]
[Footnote 4: Salve, Regina = 'Hail, Queen (of Mercy).' The first
words of a Latin antiphon ascribed to Hermannus Contractus (b.
The first part, _Sección de Cuentos Europeos_, is based chiefly upon the
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by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
Edited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary, by Everett Ward Olmsted
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L'Abbé Jean Joseph Gaume has written a work, entitled _l'Eau lénite
au XIXe siècle_ (Paris, 1866), in which he also advocates the use of
holy water to-day for similar purposes.]
--Tenéis la color quebrada; andáis mustio, y sombrÃo; ¿qué os sucede?
[Note 355: =enseñorearse de=, _to take control of, seize_.]
[Note 356: =quedar pasmado de=, _to be astonished at_.]
[Note 357: =en (o por) aquel entonces=, _in those days_.]
[Note 358: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 359: =tomar incremento=, _to make growth_.
These may be divided into two classes: (1)
those who write only in pure classical Castilian, and who, if they use
Americanisms at all, use them consciously and with due apologies; and
(2) those who write freely and naturally in the current language of the
educated classes of their own particular Spanish-American country.
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A Common use of the imperfect indicative
instead of the conditional.]
[Footnote 9: Lo que tiene que = 'the fact is.']
Esto diciendo la buena mujer, que ya conocen nuestros lectores por sus
exabruptos de locuacidad, penetró en Santa Inés, abriéndose según
costumbre, un camino entre la multitud á fuerza de empellones y
Finally, it is hoped that in the use of this reader and its exercises,
together with its section of classroom expressions and grammatical
nomenclature in Spanish, the "read and translate" method may be
relegated to at least second--may we hope to third?--place in the list
of the many possible ways of covering a reading lesson in Spanish.
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To describe an object as
to its color, it is customary in Spanish to use the word =color=
preceded by the preposition =de= and followed by the adjective of
[Note 80: =cubierto de=, _covered with_.]
[Note 81: =tener afilados los dientes=, _to have sharp teeth_.]
[Note 82: =subir a=, _to climb_.]
[Note 83: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 84: =soler=, _to be accustomed_.
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Title: Reina Valera New Testament of the Bible 1909
Author: Anonymous
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First Posted: September 15, 2002
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The continuity of the act is emphasized by the use
of =venir= or =ir=.]
[Note 360: =aprovecharse de=, _to profit by_.]
[Note 361: =estar en boga=; _to be customary, commom_.]
[Note 362: =contar=, _to comprise, include._]
[Note 363: =otros tantos=, _as many more_.]
[Note 364: =exceder de=, _to surpass_.]
[Note 365: =servirse de=, _to make use of_.]
La República del Perú, situada en el Océano PacÃfico,
ocupa una superficie de casi 690,000 millas cuadradas.
No preposition is used with
this verb in Spanish when its object is a thing.]
[Note 28: =desde lo alto=, _from above_.]
[Note 29: =ser aficionado a=, _to be fond of, devoted to_.]
[Note 30: =dejar caer=, _to drop_.]
[Note 31: =servirse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 32: =irse deslizando=, _to go sliding_.]
[Note 33: =servir para=, _to be useful for_.]
=Haz bien y no mires a quien=
La rueda de un carruaje hirió la pata de un hermoso
perro de San Bernardo.
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Title: Spanish Tales for Beginners
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Heath's Modern Language Series
[Note 262: =apoderarse de=, _to gain possession of_.]
[Note 263: =soñar en (o con)=, _to dream of_.]
[Note 264: =llevar a cabo=, _to execute, carry out._]
[Note 265: =multiplicar en (o por)=, _to multiply by_.]
[Note 266: =hacer estragos=, _to work havoc_.]
[Note 267: =abusar de=, _to abuse, take advantage of_.]
[Note 268: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 269: =hace poco=, _a short time ago_.]
[Note 270: =llegar a ser=, _to get to be, finally become_.]
[Note 271: =no es de maravillar=, _no wonder_.]
[Note 272: =dar la vuelta=, _to make a round-about trip_.]
[Note 273: =a todas luces=, _in every respect_.]
[Note 274: =dar incremento a=, _to increase_.]
La isla de este nombre está situada en la zona tórrida,
al occidente del océano Atlántico, y en el archipiélago
de las Antillas, entre las dos Américas.
[Note 338: =tenerse por=, _to consider one's self as_.]
[Note 339: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 340: =tocar a=, _to concern_.]
[Note 341: =ceder el paso a=, _to give way to, "play second fiddle"_.]
[Note 342: =por amor a=, _out of love for_.]
[Note 343: =darse por=, _to consider one's self as_.]
[Note 344: =dado caso de que=, _in case that_.]
[Note 345: =servir de=, _to serve as_.]
[Note 346: =no dormirse en las pajas=, _to be very vigilant, wide
[Note 347: =tener miedo=, _to be afraid_.]
[Note 348: =no pasar el rÃo=, _to succeed, win the day_.]
[Note 349: 4 =¿estás?= _do you understand, are you "on"?_]
[Note 350: =verse en la obligación de=, _to be compelled to_.]
[Note 351: =dar parabienes a=, _to congratulate_.]
[Note 352: =echar de ver=, _to notice_.]
[Note 353: =dar muestra de=, _to give indication of_.]
[Note 354: =poner pies en polvorosa=, _to hurry away, to "dust out"_.]
De todos los paÃses hispanoamericanos, Méjico es sin
duda alguna el más conocido de los norteamericanos,
debido a las relaciones comerciales establecidas entre
éste y los Estados Unidos.
=usar=, to use.
=uso,= use, custom.
=empleo,= _m._, use.
=uso=, _m._, use, usage.
=emplear,= to use, employ.
=consumir=, to consume, use.
[21] Note peculiar use of =para=.
=boga=, _f._, vogue, use, fashion.
=uso=, _m._, use, custom, fashion.
[75] Note the use of the preterite.
=utilizar=, to make use of, utilize.
=esgrimir=, to fence, use vigorously.
=usar=, to use, practice, make use of.
=aprovechar,= to profit by, make use of.
=utilizar=, to use, utilize, put to use.
[21] Note the use of the subjunctive mood.
=usar=, to use; =usar de=, to make use of.
[3] =la duda de si.= Note this use of _de_.
=usar,= to use, wear; =-- de,= to make use of.
=uso=, _m._, use; =al uso=, after the fashion.
[141] Note the use of the verb in the singular.
=aprovechar=, to make use of, profit by, enjoy.
[11] =¿Cómo se las.= Note peculiar use of _las_.
=aplicar=, to apply, direct, use (diligently), strain.
¡Sacarle=, _etc._; note the use of
the dative of possession.
=Page 111.=--1.{111-1} =echaba=; note here the use of the imp.
=palo,= stick, perch, timber, wood; =mucho --,= use the stick.
[59] =de más de cinco dÃas.= Note use of =de= before a numeral.
2.{191-2} =indignarles=; note the use of _les_ for _los_, the dir.
[12] =habérselas con.= Compare with use of _las_ in preceding note.
[28] =compañÃa.= Note that the abbreviation in common use is _CÃa_.
=tentar (ie),= to touch, feel; tempt; =--se la ropa,= to use evasions.
[4] =¿Qué edad tiene?= _How old is he?_ Note the use of the verb
=valer=, 20, to be worth, help, be of avail;
=----se de=, to make use of.
[150] =americanos.= Note the use here of the masculine form of the
[5] =artista de la palabra,= _an artist in words; a master in the use of
2.{167-2} =angelucos=; note this use of the diminutive ending _-uco_ in
the Montaña.
[13] =continente del cobre=, _the "copper continent."_ Note the use of
the preposition.
[2] =¡Qué nombre más extraño!= _What a strange_ (or _queer_) _name!_
Note use of =más=.
[7] =¡Al fin se te ve...!= _At last you are to be seen!_ Note use of
reflexive pronoun.
[34] =lo más pronto posible.= Note the use of =lo= when it precedes a
superlative adverb.
=servir (i),= to serve, be of use; =--se de,= to make use of; =sÃrvase
V.,= help yourself.
3.{4-3} =que pude matarlo=, _that I might have killed him_, a peculiar
use of the preterite.
[30] =¿Ni cómo podrÃa ser de otro modo?= _And how could it be
otherwise?_ Note the use of _ni_.
=servir=, 29, to serve;
=---- de=, to serve as;
=---- para=, to be useful for;
=----se de=, to make use of.
=11.=--[11.5] =volvió á presentarse á su paso=, 'appeared before her again.'
For this use of _volver_, see Vocab.
=han venido tomando=, a
good illustration of the use of =venir= instead of =estar= in forming
progressive tenses.
[55] =el primer vapor que salga.= Note the use of the subjunctive mood
instead of the present participle, as in English.
8.{83-8} =que=; note the use of _que_ in this and the following lines,
sometimes expletive (as here), and again meaning _for_.
=Page 66.=--1.{66-1} =quien=; this use of _quien_ with an antecedent
that is plural and does not denote persons is now archaic.
2.{80-2} =se le veÃa=; note this use of =se=, which is nearly equivalent
to the French indefinite pronoun _on_ or the German _man_.
[12] =leyes que reglamentan.= Avoid the use of the gerund in this case
(_leyes reglamentando_) which is a very common error in Spanish.
=Page 194.=--1.{194-1} =hoja de maÃz=; in Spanish America the working
classes use in making cigarettes dry corn-leaves instead of paper.
[31.11] =se=, 'to themselves,' or 'to one another.'--=al verle=, 'upon
seeing him.' Note again this common use of =al= with the infinitive.
[11] Note use of _que_ which is here equivalent to 'as for.'
[12] =después de peladas=, _after having removed the hair_, _after being
[8] =que tanto les sirviera.= It is permissible and better style to use
in this case the imperfect subjunctive instead of the preterite
[9] =¿Quién vive?= _Who goes there?_
[10] =¡Al cuartel el vagabundo!= Note the use of the definite article,
which makes the adjective more emphatic.
[32] =Y no olvidemos tampoco.= Note here the use of the subjunctive mood
to express an imperative in the first person plural, and the use of
10; but that
of spiritual purification, from the New Testament account of the
use made of the waters of Jordan by John the Baptist.]
[Footnote 3: tenemos.
=diligencia,= diligence, haste, stage-coach; =-- del fresco,=
stage-coach that brings fresh fish (_from the coast; in use before the
days of railroads and artificial ice_).
=valer,= to be worth, procure (_as a name_); =--se (de),= to make use
(of), employ; =hacer --,= to insist, claim; =vale más,= it is better;
=¡me valga Dios!= bless me!; =valiérame más,= it would be better for me.
3.{166-3} Note the common use of the augmentative suffix, _-on_, _-ona_,
in this story: =ingratona= (from _ingrata_); =chismosona= (from
_chismosa_), =borrachona= (from _borracha_), =viciosona= (from
_viciosa_), =flojón= (from _flojo_), etc.
=Los Ejercicios=
Throughout the "Ejercicios" that accompany each story will often be
found the use of the reflexive verb in the subjunctive present, third
person singular or plural, for the purpose of giving a general direction
or a command; as, for instance, "Tradúzcase la oración" and "Tradúzcanse
las oraciones." It will be noted that the verb agrees with the noun in
=hacer=, 9, to make, do, cause, bring about;
=---- calor=, to be warm (of weather);
=---- caso de=, to give heed to;
=---- correr la voz=, to spread the report;
=---- daño a=, to harm;
=---- de=, to act as;
=---- dormir=, to put to sleep;
=---- el papel de=, to play the part of;
=---- escala en=, to stop at (of boats);
=---- esfuerzos por=, to make efforts to;
=---- estragos=, to work havoc;
=---- falta=, to be lacking;
=---- frente a=, to face;
=---- la gracia de=, to do the favor, honor of;
=---- la prueba=, to make the test;
=---- pedazos=, to break _or_ tear to pieces;
=---- una pregunta a=, to ask a question of;
=---- uso de=, to make use of;
=hace cuatro siglos= four centuries ago;
=hace poco=, a short time ago;
=----se al mar=, to set out to sea;
=----se a uno muy cuesta arriba=, to be uphill work, difficult;
=----se comprender, entender=, to make oneself understood;
=----se el sordo a=, to turn a deaf ear to.
Note the different uses of =si= in this chapter.
Alarcón uses _lo_ oftener than _le_, as the masc.
Compare the use of _alguno_ in
affirmative and negative uses.
Tasso uses much the same figure, when he says, in his
_Gerusalemme Liberata_, ix.
Becquer uses incorrectly the form _espirar_.]
[Footnote 2: "It was a maxim both in ancient India and ancient
Greece not to look at one's reflection in water....
Pero te
encargo que uses de este dinero mejor de lo que yo he usado de él."
Alegre el estudiante con este descubrimiento, volvió a poner la lápida
como antes estaba, y prosiguió su camino a Salamanca, llevándose el alma
del licenciado.
The consecrated
wafers too are believed to be put to improper uses.]
El terror llego á apoderarse de los ánimos en un grado tal, que al
toque de oraciones nadie se aventuraba á salir de su casa, en la que
no siempre se creÃan seguros de los bandidos del peñón.
[5] The different uses of =de= are printed in italics throughout this
usar, to use.
uso, _m._, use.
Note use of future tense.
peculiar use of sÃ.
de.= Note the use of _de_.
Note the use of the gerund.
Note use of
relative =que=.
This use of an
expletive dat.
the peculiar use of =lo=.
emplear, to employ, make use of.
Note the use of the future tense.
Note the use of
the subjunctive.
del....= Note peculiar use of _de_.
Note the impersonal use of
Note use of preterite and imperfect.
the indefinite use of =Padre=.
Note again this
common use of _que_.
the use of the preposition _de_.
Note the use of the
historical present.
Note the use of
=mismo= as an intensive.
It is considered better form to use _una_.
Note the use of _que_ and the subjunctive.
Note this common use of exclamatory
Note the use of _que_ instead of
Note the use of _por_ before an
the somewhat similar use of _gens_ in French.
dintel, _m._, lintel; threshold (_incorrect_ use).
Note the use of =lo= to
express an abstract idea.
A gallicism in general use
throughout Spanish America.
Note the use of the subjunctive in
the imperative form.
Note the use
of the reflexive particle with the gerund.
The resulting neologism =budoar=
is now in current use.
Note the use of the future tense to indicate a
The Americans made use of modern machines to build the canal.
Compare the use of _alguno_ in
affirmative and negative uses.
Note the use of the present
tense in referring to the future.
This boy must resemble (use _future of probability_) his father.
This expletive use of
preposition and relative is not uncommon.
Note the use of _ir_ as an
auxiliary verb with the past participle.
Note the use of the definite
article instead of a personal pronoun.
The best
writers sometimes use _la_ in this way, to avoid ambiguity.
le han robado=, 'that they stole from you.'
Note this use of the pres.
Note the use of the definite article
when referring to a third person.
use is now somewhat archaic, and is restricted to relative clauses.
de chicotazos=; this use of a partitive
construction after _dar_ is common.
of_ =emplear=
=emplear= to use
=empuñar= to grasp
=empuñó= _3 sing.
The lower
classes sometimes use =cafetera= for _borrachera_, 'drunkenness'.
A contraction of _otra hora_, the use of which
is confined chiefly to poetry.
ganancias no dejará....= Note use of _no_ in expressing an
affirmative conjecture.
Note the use of _que_ when the action of one verb is
compared with that of another.
The Spanish Academy condemns the use of _la_
instead of _le_ as a feminine dative.
Children born of the union may
use both names, if they wish: thus, _López y MartÃnez_.
A redundant use of the conjunction quite
frequently found in Spanish.]
VARIANT: =La verdad es que.=
[5] =no se permite [a sà mismo].= Note the use of reflexive.
good!_ VARIANT: =¡Bien!=
[24] =mis capitalistas.= Note colloquial use of possessive pronoun.
VARIANTS: =En verdad; ciertamente;
de seguro; ¡Ya lo creo!=
[23] Impersonal use of _haber_.
Paco Núñez==_también Paco Núñez habÃa escrito á
Luisa_: for the use of =le=, see second note, l.
Note the use of =de=
instead of _del_ and similarly, the form =a Palacio= is used instead of
Compare the use of
the relative in this phrase with that to which attention has been
called on p.
For purposes of assonance little use is made of words accented on a
syllable preceding the antepenult.
la Unión
no se ha convertido....= Note the use of the perfect indicative in
referring to a future event.
Note the common use
of _ir_ as an auxiliary verb with the present participle to form a
progressive tense.
They make use of it for their
games of hoops, of "skipping the rope," of ball, and of "hide-and-seek."
Note the use of the definite article
instead of the possessive adjective, before words denoting parts of the
Las compañÃas no han entrado en arreglos con los
comerciantes a fin de interesarlos en que el público use sus aparatos.
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Notice the use of _haya_ instead of tenga,
although possession is indicated.]
[Footnote 3: la calle de Chicarreros.
This use of the accusative _le_ instead of _lo_,
when the object is not personal, is sanctioned by the Spanish
Our thanks are given to this company for
permission to use this material and for aid in preparing this part of
the manuscript.
Roessler and Alfred Remy
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever.
This use of the imperfect
subjunctive in _-ra_, with the force of a pluperfect or preterite
indicative, is not uncommon in Spanish.
The use of a
possessive adjective before its noun, and preceded by another modifier,
was once common, but it is now archaic or poetic.
Besides the ordinary
receptacles for holding liquids, a variety of syringes and rubber bulbs
were manufactured for use during these contests.
were brought to Spain in a scallop-shell; hence the use of that
emblem by pilgrims to his sanctuary.]
[Footnote 3: Santiago = 'St.
This may possibly be a negative
use of _cualquiera_, before the verb, similar to that of _jamás_, _en mi
vida_, etc.; or it may be merely ironical.
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The increasing study of Spanish in high schools and colleges
has made necessary the preparation of a text of a simpler character
than those now in common use.
Project Gutenberg's An Elementary Spanish Reader, by Earl Stanley Harrison
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valer, to be worth, be valuable, be responsible for; mas vale incomodo
que ninguno, better comfortless quarters than, none at all; _refl._,
to avail oneself (of), make use (of).
servir, to serve, be of service (_or_ use), avail, act; -- de, to
serve (_or_ act) as; con el diablo no sirven (juegos), (tricks) don't
work with the devil; _refl._, to deign, be pleased.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Reina Valera New Testament of the Bible 1909, by
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever.
In mediaeval times it was a great favorite with the
church, and was appointed for use at compline, from the first
vespers of Trinity Sunday up to nones on the Saturday before Advent
VARIANTS: =En último análisis; a lo más.=
[12] =el más grande de los dos,= _the greater of the two._
[13] =¡cuánto más no ha de...!= _How much more will it not be._ Note
peculiar use of _no_.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Spanish Tales for Beginners, by
Elijah Clarence Hills and various
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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Lecturas fáciles con ejercicios, by
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Such _living_ forms of expression, embodied as they
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Title: A First Spanish Reader
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To make it available for use almost at the very
beginning of the Spanish course only the present tense has been employed
in the first twenty-three selections and difficult constructions have
been consistently avoided.
This use is not sanctioned by the
Spanish Academy, nor, as Knapp says, "by the best modern writers."]
[Footnote 4: Salve, Regina = 'Hail, Queen (of Mercy).' The first
words of a Latin antiphon ascribed to Hermannus Contractus (b.
The first part, _Sección de Cuentos Europeos_, is based chiefly upon the
_Libro Segundo de Lectura_ and the _Libro Tercero de Lectura_ of the
series published by Silver, Burdett & Company for use in the schools of
Spanish-speaking countries.
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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Legends, Tales and Poems
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L'Abbé Jean Joseph Gaume has written a work, entitled _l'Eau lénite
au XIXe siècle_ (Paris, 1866), in which he also advocates the use of
holy water to-day for similar purposes.]
--Tenéis la color quebrada; andáis mustio, y sombrÃo; ¿qué os sucede?
[Note 355: =enseñorearse de=, _to take control of, seize_.]
[Note 356: =quedar pasmado de=, _to be astonished at_.]
[Note 357: =en (o por) aquel entonces=, _in those days_.]
[Note 358: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 359: =tomar incremento=, _to make growth_.
These may be divided into two classes: (1)
those who write only in pure classical Castilian, and who, if they use
Americanisms at all, use them consciously and with due apologies; and
(2) those who write freely and naturally in the current language of the
educated classes of their own particular Spanish-American country.
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A Common use of the imperfect indicative
instead of the conditional.]
[Footnote 9: Lo que tiene que = 'the fact is.']
Esto diciendo la buena mujer, que ya conocen nuestros lectores por sus
exabruptos de locuacidad, penetró en Santa Inés, abriéndose según
costumbre, un camino entre la multitud á fuerza de empellones y
Finally, it is hoped that in the use of this reader and its exercises,
together with its section of classroom expressions and grammatical
nomenclature in Spanish, the "read and translate" method may be
relegated to at least second--may we hope to third?--place in the list
of the many possible ways of covering a reading lesson in Spanish.
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To describe an object as
to its color, it is customary in Spanish to use the word =color=
preceded by the preposition =de= and followed by the adjective of
[Note 80: =cubierto de=, _covered with_.]
[Note 81: =tener afilados los dientes=, _to have sharp teeth_.]
[Note 82: =subir a=, _to climb_.]
[Note 83: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 84: =soler=, _to be accustomed_.
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The continuity of the act is emphasized by the use
of =venir= or =ir=.]
[Note 360: =aprovecharse de=, _to profit by_.]
[Note 361: =estar en boga=; _to be customary, commom_.]
[Note 362: =contar=, _to comprise, include._]
[Note 363: =otros tantos=, _as many more_.]
[Note 364: =exceder de=, _to surpass_.]
[Note 365: =servirse de=, _to make use of_.]
La República del Perú, situada en el Océano PacÃfico,
ocupa una superficie de casi 690,000 millas cuadradas.
No preposition is used with
this verb in Spanish when its object is a thing.]
[Note 28: =desde lo alto=, _from above_.]
[Note 29: =ser aficionado a=, _to be fond of, devoted to_.]
[Note 30: =dejar caer=, _to drop_.]
[Note 31: =servirse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 32: =irse deslizando=, _to go sliding_.]
[Note 33: =servir para=, _to be useful for_.]
=Haz bien y no mires a quien=
La rueda de un carruaje hirió la pata de un hermoso
perro de San Bernardo.
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Title: Spanish Tales for Beginners
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Title: Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories
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Title: Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader
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Heath's Modern Language Series
[Note 262: =apoderarse de=, _to gain possession of_.]
[Note 263: =soñar en (o con)=, _to dream of_.]
[Note 264: =llevar a cabo=, _to execute, carry out._]
[Note 265: =multiplicar en (o por)=, _to multiply by_.]
[Note 266: =hacer estragos=, _to work havoc_.]
[Note 267: =abusar de=, _to abuse, take advantage of_.]
[Note 268: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 269: =hace poco=, _a short time ago_.]
[Note 270: =llegar a ser=, _to get to be, finally become_.]
[Note 271: =no es de maravillar=, _no wonder_.]
[Note 272: =dar la vuelta=, _to make a round-about trip_.]
[Note 273: =a todas luces=, _in every respect_.]
[Note 274: =dar incremento a=, _to increase_.]
La isla de este nombre está situada en la zona tórrida,
al occidente del océano Atlántico, y en el archipiélago
de las Antillas, entre las dos Américas.
[Note 338: =tenerse por=, _to consider one's self as_.]
[Note 339: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 340: =tocar a=, _to concern_.]
[Note 341: =ceder el paso a=, _to give way to, "play second fiddle"_.]
[Note 342: =por amor a=, _out of love for_.]
[Note 343: =darse por=, _to consider one's self as_.]
[Note 344: =dado caso de que=, _in case that_.]
[Note 345: =servir de=, _to serve as_.]
[Note 346: =no dormirse en las pajas=, _to be very vigilant, wide
[Note 347: =tener miedo=, _to be afraid_.]
[Note 348: =no pasar el rÃo=, _to succeed, win the day_.]
[Note 349: 4 =¿estás?= _do you understand, are you "on"?_]
[Note 350: =verse en la obligación de=, _to be compelled to_.]
[Note 351: =dar parabienes a=, _to congratulate_.]
[Note 352: =echar de ver=, _to notice_.]
[Note 353: =dar muestra de=, _to give indication of_.]
[Note 354: =poner pies en polvorosa=, _to hurry away, to "dust out"_.]
De todos los paÃses hispanoamericanos, Méjico es sin
duda alguna el más conocido de los norteamericanos,
debido a las relaciones comerciales establecidas entre
éste y los Estados Unidos.
=usar=, to use.
=uso,= use, custom.
=empleo,= _m._, use.
=uso=, _m._, use, usage.
=emplear,= to use, employ.
=consumir=, to consume, use.
[21] Note peculiar use of =para=.
=boga=, _f._, vogue, use, fashion.
=uso=, _m._, use, custom, fashion.
[75] Note the use of the preterite.
=utilizar=, to make use of, utilize.
=esgrimir=, to fence, use vigorously.
=usar=, to use, practice, make use of.
=aprovechar,= to profit by, make use of.
=utilizar=, to use, utilize, put to use.
[21] Note the use of the subjunctive mood.
=usar=, to use; =usar de=, to make use of.
[3] =la duda de si.= Note this use of _de_.
=usar,= to use, wear; =-- de,= to make use of.
=uso=, _m._, use; =al uso=, after the fashion.
[141] Note the use of the verb in the singular.
=aprovechar=, to make use of, profit by, enjoy.
[11] =¿Cómo se las.= Note peculiar use of _las_.
=aplicar=, to apply, direct, use (diligently), strain.
¡Sacarle=, _etc._; note the use of
the dative of possession.
=Page 111.=--1.{111-1} =echaba=; note here the use of the imp.
=palo,= stick, perch, timber, wood; =mucho --,= use the stick.
[59] =de más de cinco dÃas.= Note use of =de= before a numeral.
2.{191-2} =indignarles=; note the use of _les_ for _los_, the dir.
[12] =habérselas con.= Compare with use of _las_ in preceding note.
[28] =compañÃa.= Note that the abbreviation in common use is _CÃa_.
=tentar (ie),= to touch, feel; tempt; =--se la ropa,= to use evasions.
[4] =¿Qué edad tiene?= _How old is he?_ Note the use of the verb
=valer=, 20, to be worth, help, be of avail;
=----se de=, to make use of.
[150] =americanos.= Note the use here of the masculine form of the
[5] =artista de la palabra,= _an artist in words; a master in the use of
2.{167-2} =angelucos=; note this use of the diminutive ending _-uco_ in
the Montaña.
[13] =continente del cobre=, _the "copper continent."_ Note the use of
the preposition.
[2] =¡Qué nombre más extraño!= _What a strange_ (or _queer_) _name!_
Note use of =más=.
[7] =¡Al fin se te ve...!= _At last you are to be seen!_ Note use of
reflexive pronoun.
[34] =lo más pronto posible.= Note the use of =lo= when it precedes a
superlative adverb.
=servir (i),= to serve, be of use; =--se de,= to make use of; =sÃrvase
V.,= help yourself.
3.{4-3} =que pude matarlo=, _that I might have killed him_, a peculiar
use of the preterite.
[30] =¿Ni cómo podrÃa ser de otro modo?= _And how could it be
otherwise?_ Note the use of _ni_.
=servir=, 29, to serve;
=---- de=, to serve as;
=---- para=, to be useful for;
=----se de=, to make use of.
=11.=--[11.5] =volvió á presentarse á su paso=, 'appeared before her again.'
For this use of _volver_, see Vocab.
=han venido tomando=, a
good illustration of the use of =venir= instead of =estar= in forming
progressive tenses.
[55] =el primer vapor que salga.= Note the use of the subjunctive mood
instead of the present participle, as in English.
8.{83-8} =que=; note the use of _que_ in this and the following lines,
sometimes expletive (as here), and again meaning _for_.
=Page 66.=--1.{66-1} =quien=; this use of _quien_ with an antecedent
that is plural and does not denote persons is now archaic.
2.{80-2} =se le veÃa=; note this use of =se=, which is nearly equivalent
to the French indefinite pronoun _on_ or the German _man_.
[12] =leyes que reglamentan.= Avoid the use of the gerund in this case
(_leyes reglamentando_) which is a very common error in Spanish.
=Page 194.=--1.{194-1} =hoja de maÃz=; in Spanish America the working
classes use in making cigarettes dry corn-leaves instead of paper.
[31.11] =se=, 'to themselves,' or 'to one another.'--=al verle=, 'upon
seeing him.' Note again this common use of =al= with the infinitive.
[11] Note use of _que_ which is here equivalent to 'as for.'
[12] =después de peladas=, _after having removed the hair_, _after being
[8] =que tanto les sirviera.= It is permissible and better style to use
in this case the imperfect subjunctive instead of the preterite
[9] =¿Quién vive?= _Who goes there?_
[10] =¡Al cuartel el vagabundo!= Note the use of the definite article,
which makes the adjective more emphatic.
[32] =Y no olvidemos tampoco.= Note here the use of the subjunctive mood
to express an imperative in the first person plural, and the use of
10; but that
of spiritual purification, from the New Testament account of the
use made of the waters of Jordan by John the Baptist.]
[Footnote 3: tenemos.
=diligencia,= diligence, haste, stage-coach; =-- del fresco,=
stage-coach that brings fresh fish (_from the coast; in use before the
days of railroads and artificial ice_).
=valer,= to be worth, procure (_as a name_); =--se (de),= to make use
(of), employ; =hacer --,= to insist, claim; =vale más,= it is better;
=¡me valga Dios!= bless me!; =valiérame más,= it would be better for me.
3.{166-3} Note the common use of the augmentative suffix, _-on_, _-ona_,
in this story: =ingratona= (from _ingrata_); =chismosona= (from
_chismosa_), =borrachona= (from _borracha_), =viciosona= (from
_viciosa_), =flojón= (from _flojo_), etc.
=Los Ejercicios=
Throughout the "Ejercicios" that accompany each story will often be
found the use of the reflexive verb in the subjunctive present, third
person singular or plural, for the purpose of giving a general direction
or a command; as, for instance, "Tradúzcase la oración" and "Tradúzcanse
las oraciones." It will be noted that the verb agrees with the noun in
=hacer=, 9, to make, do, cause, bring about;
=---- calor=, to be warm (of weather);
=---- caso de=, to give heed to;
=---- correr la voz=, to spread the report;
=---- daño a=, to harm;
=---- de=, to act as;
=---- dormir=, to put to sleep;
=---- el papel de=, to play the part of;
=---- escala en=, to stop at (of boats);
=---- esfuerzos por=, to make efforts to;
=---- estragos=, to work havoc;
=---- falta=, to be lacking;
=---- frente a=, to face;
=---- la gracia de=, to do the favor, honor of;
=---- la prueba=, to make the test;
=---- pedazos=, to break _or_ tear to pieces;
=---- una pregunta a=, to ask a question of;
=---- uso de=, to make use of;
=hace cuatro siglos= four centuries ago;
=hace poco=, a short time ago;
=----se al mar=, to set out to sea;
=----se a uno muy cuesta arriba=, to be uphill work, difficult;
=----se comprender, entender=, to make oneself understood;
=----se el sordo a=, to turn a deaf ear to.
Constrúyanse frases en que se usen en la primera persona del singular,
el presente, pretérito y futuro de indicativo de las expresiones que
siguen: _valerse de_, _proteger_, _tener miedo_, _verse en la obligación
--Porque para la fabricación del nitrato es indispensable el alto calor
de los inmensos hornos eléctricos--contestó mister Smith.--Sin embargo,
no creo que esta forma costosa de fabricación se usara en la preparación
de nitrato para abonos, de los cuales, por otra parte, no podemos
--Porque para la fabricación del nitrato es indispensable el alto calor
de los inmensos hornos eléctricos--contestó mister Smith.--Sin embargo,
no creo que esta forma costosa de fabricación se usara en la preparación
de nitrato para abonos, de los cuales, por otra parte, no podemos
En la Argentina se usa la máquina trilladora.
La caña aplastada y exprimida se llama gabazo, y
se usa como combustible.
El peso de papel
es la unidad de valor en las transacciones comerciales, y 5
se usa en las facturas corrientes, en las cuentas de hotel,
de coches y de almacenes.
Se calcula que algunos pozos dan cerca de ochocientos metros cúbicos por
dÃa.[10] El producto es algo pesado, y la proporción de petróleo liviano
es pequeña; pero tal como sale, constituye un buen combustible que ya
se usa en la industria.
No obstante de que en todas las escuelas y actos
oficiales se usa el español, la gente habla dialectos y aún
el español erróneamente, asà vemos que los andaluces 25
que ocupan el sur de España, llamado AndalucÃa, hablan
ceceoso, o sea pronunciando las más de las _eses, ces_ y
todas las _ces, eses_.
Sobre cubierta se agrupan los pasajeros:
el comerciante de gruesa panza, congestionado como un pavo, con
encorvadas narices israelitas; el clergyman huesoso, enfundado en su
largo levitón negro, cubierto con su ancho sombrero de fieltro, y en la
mano una pequeña Biblia; la muchacha que usa gorra de jockey, y que
durante toda la travesÃa ha cantado con voz fonográfica, al són de un
banjo; el joven robusto, lampiño como un bebé, y que, aficionado al box,
tiene los puños de tal modo, que bien pudiera desquijarrar un
rinoceronte de un solo impulso...
--¿Se usa el _bushel_ norte americano en la medida del trigo?
_Para las fechas ¿se usa la forma ordinal o la cardinal de los
--¿Cuál es el procedimiento que se usa para percibir el importe[76] de
las ventas?
--¿El sistema de provisión de alimentos es idéntico al que se usa en los
Estados Unidos?
--Uno y otro sistema[74]; pero en las ciudades grandes el gas se usa con
preferencia como combustible en la cocina.
Empléese cada uno de los modismos de este cuento en oraciones completas,
usándolo en tiempo distinto del que se usa en el texto.
--En algunas partes se la usa en ciertas industrias, como en la
fabricación de cerveza; en otras se la destina al consumo de las
Empléese cada uno de los modismos de este trozo en frases completas
españolas, usándolo en tiempo distinto del que se usa en el texto.
Empléese cada uno de los modismos de este trozo en oraciones completas
españolas, usándolo en tiempo distinto del que se usa en el texto.
Úsese cada uno de los modismos de este cuento en oraciones completas
españolas, empleándolo en tiempo distinto del que se usa en el texto.
Úsese cada uno de los modismos de este cuento en oraciones completas
originales, empleándolo en tiempo distinto del que se usa en la lectura.
--En efecto allà se encuentran espesos bosques, de árboles tan
gigantescos como el _ahuehuete_, que alcanza una altura de cuarenta
metros, y otros árboles cuya madera se usa en ebanisterÃa como la caoba,
el ébano y el palo rosa.
[54] =¿Se usa todavÃa poner rejas en las ventanas?= _Do they still put
iron gratings in the windows?_ _Are iron gratings still used in the
windows?_ VARIANT: =¿Se usa aún...?= =Aún= should be accented when it
means _still_, and not when it means _even_.
--En las habitaciones, de madera, y los pisos pueden ser lisos, es
decir,[49] sin dibujos, o de parquet, y en este caso[50] se escogen los
motivos, las guardas, etc., al gusto del propietario.[51]
--Una herrerÃa se encarga de las verjas para puertas y portones y de los
demás objetos de fierro.[52]
--¿Se[53] usa todavÃa poner rejas en las ventanas,[54] como se las
ve[55] en grabados _de_ España?
usar, to use.
uso, _m._, use.
Note use of future tense.
peculiar use of sÃ.
de.= Note the use of _de_.
Note the use of the gerund.
Note use of
relative =que=.
This use of an
expletive dat.
the peculiar use of =lo=.
emplear, to employ, make use of.
Note the use of the future tense.
Note the use of
the subjunctive.
del....= Note peculiar use of _de_.
Note the impersonal use of
Note use of preterite and imperfect.
the indefinite use of =Padre=.
Note again this
common use of _que_.
the use of the preposition _de_.
Note the use of the
historical present.
Note the use of
=mismo= as an intensive.
It is considered better form to use _una_.
Note the use of _que_ and the subjunctive.
Note this common use of exclamatory
Note the use of _que_ instead of
Note the use of _por_ before an
the somewhat similar use of _gens_ in French.
dintel, _m._, lintel; threshold (_incorrect_ use).
Note the use of =lo= to
express an abstract idea.
A gallicism in general use
throughout Spanish America.
Note the use of the subjunctive in
the imperative form.
Note the use
of the reflexive particle with the gerund.
The resulting neologism =budoar=
is now in current use.
Note the use of the future tense to indicate a
The Americans made use of modern machines to build the canal.
Compare the use of _alguno_ in
affirmative and negative uses.
Note the use of the present
tense in referring to the future.
This boy must resemble (use _future of probability_) his father.
This expletive use of
preposition and relative is not uncommon.
Note the use of _ir_ as an
auxiliary verb with the past participle.
Note the use of the definite
article instead of a personal pronoun.
The best
writers sometimes use _la_ in this way, to avoid ambiguity.
le han robado=, 'that they stole from you.'
Note this use of the pres.
Note the use of the definite article
when referring to a third person.
use is now somewhat archaic, and is restricted to relative clauses.
de chicotazos=; this use of a partitive
construction after _dar_ is common.
of_ =emplear=
=emplear= to use
=empuñar= to grasp
=empuñó= _3 sing.
The lower
classes sometimes use =cafetera= for _borrachera_, 'drunkenness'.
A contraction of _otra hora_, the use of which
is confined chiefly to poetry.
ganancias no dejará....= Note use of _no_ in expressing an
affirmative conjecture.
Note the use of _que_ when the action of one verb is
compared with that of another.
The Spanish Academy condemns the use of _la_
instead of _le_ as a feminine dative.
Children born of the union may
use both names, if they wish: thus, _López y MartÃnez_.
A redundant use of the conjunction quite
frequently found in Spanish.]
VARIANT: =La verdad es que.=
[5] =no se permite [a sà mismo].= Note the use of reflexive.
good!_ VARIANT: =¡Bien!=
[24] =mis capitalistas.= Note colloquial use of possessive pronoun.
VARIANTS: =En verdad; ciertamente;
de seguro; ¡Ya lo creo!=
[23] Impersonal use of _haber_.
Paco Núñez==_también Paco Núñez habÃa escrito á
Luisa_: for the use of =le=, see second note, l.
Note the use of =de=
instead of _del_ and similarly, the form =a Palacio= is used instead of
Compare the use of
the relative in this phrase with that to which attention has been
called on p.
For purposes of assonance little use is made of words accented on a
syllable preceding the antepenult.
la Unión
no se ha convertido....= Note the use of the perfect indicative in
referring to a future event.
Note the common use
of _ir_ as an auxiliary verb with the present participle to form a
progressive tense.
They make use of it for their
games of hoops, of "skipping the rope," of ball, and of "hide-and-seek."
Note the use of the definite article
instead of the possessive adjective, before words denoting parts of the
Las compañÃas no han entrado en arreglos con los
comerciantes a fin de interesarlos en que el público use sus aparatos.
You may use this eBook for nearly any purpose
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Notice the use of _haya_ instead of tenga,
although possession is indicated.]
[Footnote 3: la calle de Chicarreros.
This use of the accusative _le_ instead of _lo_,
when the object is not personal, is sanctioned by the Spanish
Our thanks are given to this company for
permission to use this material and for aid in preparing this part of
the manuscript.
Roessler and Alfred Remy
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever.
This use of the imperfect
subjunctive in _-ra_, with the force of a pluperfect or preterite
indicative, is not uncommon in Spanish.
The use of a
possessive adjective before its noun, and preceded by another modifier,
was once common, but it is now archaic or poetic.
Besides the ordinary
receptacles for holding liquids, a variety of syringes and rubber bulbs
were manufactured for use during these contests.
were brought to Spain in a scallop-shell; hence the use of that
emblem by pilgrims to his sanctuary.]
[Footnote 3: Santiago = 'St.
This may possibly be a negative
use of _cualquiera_, before the verb, similar to that of _jamás_, _en mi
vida_, etc.; or it may be merely ironical.
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You may copy it, give it away or
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The increasing study of Spanish in high schools and colleges
has made necessary the preparation of a text of a simpler character
than those now in common use.
Project Gutenberg's An Elementary Spanish Reader, by Earl Stanley Harrison
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever.
valer, to be worth, be valuable, be responsible for; mas vale incomodo
que ninguno, better comfortless quarters than, none at all; _refl._,
to avail oneself (of), make use (of).
servir, to serve, be of service (_or_ use), avail, act; -- de, to
serve (_or_ act) as; con el diablo no sirven (juegos), (tricks) don't
work with the devil; _refl._, to deign, be pleased.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Reina Valera New Testament of the Bible 1909, by
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever.
In mediaeval times it was a great favorite with the
church, and was appointed for use at compline, from the first
vespers of Trinity Sunday up to nones on the Saturday before Advent
VARIANTS: =En último análisis; a lo más.=
[12] =el más grande de los dos,= _the greater of the two._
[13] =¡cuánto más no ha de...!= _How much more will it not be._ Note
peculiar use of _no_.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Spanish Tales for Beginners, by
Elijah Clarence Hills and various
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Lecturas fáciles con ejercicios, by
Lawrence Wilkins and Max Luria
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever.
Such _living_ forms of expression, embodied as they
are in subjects closely related to Spanish American activities and
conditions of to-day, afford the most practical kind of material for
everyday use.
You may copy it, give it away or
re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included
with this eBook or online at
Title: A First Spanish Reader
Author: Erwin W.
Yánes, the Assistant Director,
our thanks are extended for permission to use this material in this way;
also for permission to reproduce in this part several of their
photographs of South American scenes.
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To make it available for use almost at the very
beginning of the Spanish course only the present tense has been employed
in the first twenty-three selections and difficult constructions have
been consistently avoided.
This use is not sanctioned by the
Spanish Academy, nor, as Knapp says, "by the best modern writers."]
[Footnote 4: Salve, Regina = 'Hail, Queen (of Mercy).' The first
words of a Latin antiphon ascribed to Hermannus Contractus (b.
The first part, _Sección de Cuentos Europeos_, is based chiefly upon the
_Libro Segundo de Lectura_ and the _Libro Tercero de Lectura_ of the
series published by Silver, Burdett & Company for use in the schools of
Spanish-speaking countries.
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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Legends, Tales and Poems
by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
Edited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary, by Everett Ward Olmsted
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almost no restrictions whatsoever.
L'Abbé Jean Joseph Gaume has written a work, entitled _l'Eau lénite
au XIXe siècle_ (Paris, 1866), in which he also advocates the use of
holy water to-day for similar purposes.]
--Tenéis la color quebrada; andáis mustio, y sombrÃo; ¿qué os sucede?
[Note 355: =enseñorearse de=, _to take control of, seize_.]
[Note 356: =quedar pasmado de=, _to be astonished at_.]
[Note 357: =en (o por) aquel entonces=, _in those days_.]
[Note 358: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 359: =tomar incremento=, _to make growth_.
These may be divided into two classes: (1)
those who write only in pure classical Castilian, and who, if they use
Americanisms at all, use them consciously and with due apologies; and
(2) those who write freely and naturally in the current language of the
educated classes of their own particular Spanish-American country.
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A Common use of the imperfect indicative
instead of the conditional.]
[Footnote 9: Lo que tiene que = 'the fact is.']
Esto diciendo la buena mujer, que ya conocen nuestros lectores por sus
exabruptos de locuacidad, penetró en Santa Inés, abriéndose según
costumbre, un camino entre la multitud á fuerza de empellones y
Finally, it is hoped that in the use of this reader and its exercises,
together with its section of classroom expressions and grammatical
nomenclature in Spanish, the "read and translate" method may be
relegated to at least second--may we hope to third?--place in the list
of the many possible ways of covering a reading lesson in Spanish.
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To describe an object as
to its color, it is customary in Spanish to use the word =color=
preceded by the preposition =de= and followed by the adjective of
[Note 80: =cubierto de=, _covered with_.]
[Note 81: =tener afilados los dientes=, _to have sharp teeth_.]
[Note 82: =subir a=, _to climb_.]
[Note 83: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 84: =soler=, _to be accustomed_.
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Title: Reina Valera New Testament of the Bible 1909
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The continuity of the act is emphasized by the use
of =venir= or =ir=.]
[Note 360: =aprovecharse de=, _to profit by_.]
[Note 361: =estar en boga=; _to be customary, commom_.]
[Note 362: =contar=, _to comprise, include._]
[Note 363: =otros tantos=, _as many more_.]
[Note 364: =exceder de=, _to surpass_.]
[Note 365: =servirse de=, _to make use of_.]
La República del Perú, situada en el Océano PacÃfico,
ocupa una superficie de casi 690,000 millas cuadradas.
No preposition is used with
this verb in Spanish when its object is a thing.]
[Note 28: =desde lo alto=, _from above_.]
[Note 29: =ser aficionado a=, _to be fond of, devoted to_.]
[Note 30: =dejar caer=, _to drop_.]
[Note 31: =servirse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 32: =irse deslizando=, _to go sliding_.]
[Note 33: =servir para=, _to be useful for_.]
=Haz bien y no mires a quien=
La rueda de un carruaje hirió la pata de un hermoso
perro de San Bernardo.
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Title: Legends, Tales and Poems
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Edited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary, by Everett Ward Olmsted
Release Date: January 24, 2004 [EBook #10814]
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[Illustration: After an etching by B.
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Title: Lecturas fáciles con ejercicios
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Title: An Elementary Spanish Reader
Author: Earl Stanley Harrison
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[Transcriber's note: Spanish words defined in the extensive vocabulary
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Title: Spanish Tales for Beginners
Editor: Elijah Clarence Hills
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Title: Poemas
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PEÑA Hnos.--Imp.
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Title: Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories
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Title: Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader
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Heath's Modern Language Series
[Note 262: =apoderarse de=, _to gain possession of_.]
[Note 263: =soñar en (o con)=, _to dream of_.]
[Note 264: =llevar a cabo=, _to execute, carry out._]
[Note 265: =multiplicar en (o por)=, _to multiply by_.]
[Note 266: =hacer estragos=, _to work havoc_.]
[Note 267: =abusar de=, _to abuse, take advantage of_.]
[Note 268: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 269: =hace poco=, _a short time ago_.]
[Note 270: =llegar a ser=, _to get to be, finally become_.]
[Note 271: =no es de maravillar=, _no wonder_.]
[Note 272: =dar la vuelta=, _to make a round-about trip_.]
[Note 273: =a todas luces=, _in every respect_.]
[Note 274: =dar incremento a=, _to increase_.]
La isla de este nombre está situada en la zona tórrida,
al occidente del océano Atlántico, y en el archipiélago
de las Antillas, entre las dos Américas.
[Note 338: =tenerse por=, _to consider one's self as_.]
[Note 339: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 340: =tocar a=, _to concern_.]
[Note 341: =ceder el paso a=, _to give way to, "play second fiddle"_.]
[Note 342: =por amor a=, _out of love for_.]
[Note 343: =darse por=, _to consider one's self as_.]
[Note 344: =dado caso de que=, _in case that_.]
[Note 345: =servir de=, _to serve as_.]
[Note 346: =no dormirse en las pajas=, _to be very vigilant, wide
[Note 347: =tener miedo=, _to be afraid_.]
[Note 348: =no pasar el rÃo=, _to succeed, win the day_.]
[Note 349: 4 =¿estás?= _do you understand, are you "on"?_]
[Note 350: =verse en la obligación de=, _to be compelled to_.]
[Note 351: =dar parabienes a=, _to congratulate_.]
[Note 352: =echar de ver=, _to notice_.]
[Note 353: =dar muestra de=, _to give indication of_.]
[Note 354: =poner pies en polvorosa=, _to hurry away, to "dust out"_.]
De todos los paÃses hispanoamericanos, Méjico es sin
duda alguna el más conocido de los norteamericanos,
debido a las relaciones comerciales establecidas entre
éste y los Estados Unidos.
=usar=, to use.
=uso,= use, custom.
=empleo,= _m._, use.
=uso=, _m._, use, usage.
=emplear,= to use, employ.
=consumir=, to consume, use.
[21] Note peculiar use of =para=.
=boga=, _f._, vogue, use, fashion.
=uso=, _m._, use, custom, fashion.
[75] Note the use of the preterite.
=utilizar=, to make use of, utilize.
=esgrimir=, to fence, use vigorously.
=usar=, to use, practice, make use of.
=aprovechar,= to profit by, make use of.
=utilizar=, to use, utilize, put to use.
[21] Note the use of the subjunctive mood.
=usar=, to use; =usar de=, to make use of.
[3] =la duda de si.= Note this use of _de_.
=usar,= to use, wear; =-- de,= to make use of.
=uso=, _m._, use; =al uso=, after the fashion.
[141] Note the use of the verb in the singular.
=aprovechar=, to make use of, profit by, enjoy.
[11] =¿Cómo se las.= Note peculiar use of _las_.
=aplicar=, to apply, direct, use (diligently), strain.
¡Sacarle=, _etc._; note the use of
the dative of possession.
=Page 111.=--1.{111-1} =echaba=; note here the use of the imp.
=palo,= stick, perch, timber, wood; =mucho --,= use the stick.
[59] =de más de cinco dÃas.= Note use of =de= before a numeral.
2.{191-2} =indignarles=; note the use of _les_ for _los_, the dir.
[12] =habérselas con.= Compare with use of _las_ in preceding note.
[28] =compañÃa.= Note that the abbreviation in common use is _CÃa_.
=tentar (ie),= to touch, feel; tempt; =--se la ropa,= to use evasions.
[4] =¿Qué edad tiene?= _How old is he?_ Note the use of the verb
=valer=, 20, to be worth, help, be of avail;
=----se de=, to make use of.
[150] =americanos.= Note the use here of the masculine form of the
[5] =artista de la palabra,= _an artist in words; a master in the use of
2.{167-2} =angelucos=; note this use of the diminutive ending _-uco_ in
the Montaña.
[13] =continente del cobre=, _the "copper continent."_ Note the use of
the preposition.
[2] =¡Qué nombre más extraño!= _What a strange_ (or _queer_) _name!_
Note use of =más=.
[7] =¡Al fin se te ve...!= _At last you are to be seen!_ Note use of
reflexive pronoun.
[34] =lo más pronto posible.= Note the use of =lo= when it precedes a
superlative adverb.
=servir (i),= to serve, be of use; =--se de,= to make use of; =sÃrvase
V.,= help yourself.
3.{4-3} =que pude matarlo=, _that I might have killed him_, a peculiar
use of the preterite.
[30] =¿Ni cómo podrÃa ser de otro modo?= _And how could it be
otherwise?_ Note the use of _ni_.
=servir=, 29, to serve;
=---- de=, to serve as;
=---- para=, to be useful for;
=----se de=, to make use of.
=11.=--[11.5] =volvió á presentarse á su paso=, 'appeared before her again.'
For this use of _volver_, see Vocab.
=han venido tomando=, a
good illustration of the use of =venir= instead of =estar= in forming
progressive tenses.
[55] =el primer vapor que salga.= Note the use of the subjunctive mood
instead of the present participle, as in English.
8.{83-8} =que=; note the use of _que_ in this and the following lines,
sometimes expletive (as here), and again meaning _for_.
=Page 66.=--1.{66-1} =quien=; this use of _quien_ with an antecedent
that is plural and does not denote persons is now archaic.
2.{80-2} =se le veÃa=; note this use of =se=, which is nearly equivalent
to the French indefinite pronoun _on_ or the German _man_.
[12] =leyes que reglamentan.= Avoid the use of the gerund in this case
(_leyes reglamentando_) which is a very common error in Spanish.
=Page 194.=--1.{194-1} =hoja de maÃz=; in Spanish America the working
classes use in making cigarettes dry corn-leaves instead of paper.
[31.11] =se=, 'to themselves,' or 'to one another.'--=al verle=, 'upon
seeing him.' Note again this common use of =al= with the infinitive.
[11] Note use of _que_ which is here equivalent to 'as for.'
[12] =después de peladas=, _after having removed the hair_, _after being
[8] =que tanto les sirviera.= It is permissible and better style to use
in this case the imperfect subjunctive instead of the preterite
[9] =¿Quién vive?= _Who goes there?_
[10] =¡Al cuartel el vagabundo!= Note the use of the definite article,
which makes the adjective more emphatic.
[32] =Y no olvidemos tampoco.= Note here the use of the subjunctive mood
to express an imperative in the first person plural, and the use of
10; but that
of spiritual purification, from the New Testament account of the
use made of the waters of Jordan by John the Baptist.]
[Footnote 3: tenemos.
=diligencia,= diligence, haste, stage-coach; =-- del fresco,=
stage-coach that brings fresh fish (_from the coast; in use before the
days of railroads and artificial ice_).
=valer,= to be worth, procure (_as a name_); =--se (de),= to make use
(of), employ; =hacer --,= to insist, claim; =vale más,= it is better;
=¡me valga Dios!= bless me!; =valiérame más,= it would be better for me.
3.{166-3} Note the common use of the augmentative suffix, _-on_, _-ona_,
in this story: =ingratona= (from _ingrata_); =chismosona= (from
_chismosa_), =borrachona= (from _borracha_), =viciosona= (from
_viciosa_), =flojón= (from _flojo_), etc.
=Los Ejercicios=
Throughout the "Ejercicios" that accompany each story will often be
found the use of the reflexive verb in the subjunctive present, third
person singular or plural, for the purpose of giving a general direction
or a command; as, for instance, "Tradúzcase la oración" and "Tradúzcanse
las oraciones." It will be noted that the verb agrees with the noun in
=hacer=, 9, to make, do, cause, bring about;
=---- calor=, to be warm (of weather);
=---- caso de=, to give heed to;
=---- correr la voz=, to spread the report;
=---- daño a=, to harm;
=---- de=, to act as;
=---- dormir=, to put to sleep;
=---- el papel de=, to play the part of;
=---- escala en=, to stop at (of boats);
=---- esfuerzos por=, to make efforts to;
=---- estragos=, to work havoc;
=---- falta=, to be lacking;
=---- frente a=, to face;
=---- la gracia de=, to do the favor, honor of;
=---- la prueba=, to make the test;
=---- pedazos=, to break _or_ tear to pieces;
=---- una pregunta a=, to ask a question of;
=---- uso de=, to make use of;
=hace cuatro siglos= four centuries ago;
=hace poco=, a short time ago;
=----se al mar=, to set out to sea;
=----se a uno muy cuesta arriba=, to be uphill work, difficult;
=----se comprender, entender=, to make oneself understood;
=----se el sordo a=, to turn a deaf ear to.
Constrúyanse frases en que se usen en la primera persona del singular,
el presente, pretérito y futuro de indicativo de las expresiones que
siguen: _valerse de_, _proteger_, _tener miedo_, _verse en la obligación