hablar (hablando)


I speak, am speaking
nosotros, -as
vosotros, -as


I will speak
nosotros, -as
vosotros, -as


I was speaking, used to speak, spoke
nosotros, -as
vosotros, -as


I spoke
nosotros, -as
vosotros, -as


I would speak
nosotros, -as
vosotros, -as

Presente perfecto

I have spoken
he hablado
has hablado
ha hablado
nosotros, -as
hemos hablado
vosotros, -as
habéis hablado
han hablado

Futuro perfecto

I will have spoken
habré hablado
habrás hablado
habrá hablado
nosotros, -as
habremos hablado
vosotros, -as
habréis hablado
habrán hablado


I had spoken
había hablado
habías hablado
había hablado
nosotros, -as
habíamos hablado
vosotros, -as
habíais hablado
habían hablado

Pretérito anterior

I had spoken
hube hablado
hubiste hablado
hubo hablado
nosotros, -as
hubimos hablado
vosotros, -as
hubisteis hablado
hubieron hablado

Condicional perfecto

I would have spoken
habría hablado
habrías hablado
habría hablado
nosotros, -as
habríamos hablado
vosotros, -as
habríais hablado
habrían hablado


I speak, am speaking
nosotros, -as
vosotros, -as


I spoke, was speaking
nosotros, -as
vosotros, -as


I will speak
nosotros, -as
vosotros, -as

Presente perfecto

I have spoken, spoke
haya hablado
hayas hablado
haya hablado
nosotros, -as
hayamos hablado
vosotros, -as
hayáis hablado
hayan hablado

Futuro perfecto

I will have spoken
hubiere hablado
hubieres hablado
hubiere hablado
nosotros, -as
hubiéremos hablado
vosotros, -as
hubiereis hablado
hubieren hablado


I had spoken
hubiera hablado
hubieras hablado
hubiera hablado
nosotros, -as
hubiéramos hablado
vosotros, -as
hubierais hablado
hubieran hablado


nosotros, -as
vosotros, -as


Don't speak!
no hables
no hable
nosotros, -as
vosotros, -as
no habléis
no hablen

pero no, es verdad, la[1] he hablado ya muchas veces, como te hablo á tí ahora ...
Las palabras que yo os hablo, no [las] hablo de mí mismo: mas el Padre que está en mí, él hace las obras.
Yo vivo en el fondo de estas aguas; incorpórea como ellas, fugaz y trasparente, hablo con sus rumores y ondulo con sus pliegues.
Capítulo 7 1 ¿IGNORÁIS, hermanos, (porque hablo con los que saben la ley) que la ley se enseñorea del hombre entre tanto que vive?
No quiero hablar de las infinitas visitas ceremoniosas que antes de la hora de comer entraron y salieron en aquella casa, entre las cuales no eran de despreciar todos los empleados de su oficina, con sus señoras y sus niños, y sus capas, y sus paraguas, y sus chanclos, y sus perritos; déjome en blanco los necios cumplimientos que dijeron al señor de los días; no hablo del inmenso círculo con que guarnecía la sala el concurso de tantas personas heterogéneas, que hablaron de que el tiempo iba á mudar, y de que en invierno suele hacer más frío que en verano.
¿Con quién hablo?
13 Porque á vosotros hablo, Gentiles.
26 Dícele Jesús: Yo soy, que hablo contigo.
(hablo como hombre.) 6 En ninguna manera: de otra suerte ¿cómo juzgaría Dios el mundo?
13 Mas ahora vengo á ti; y hablo esto en el mundo, para que tengan mi gozo cumplido en sí mismos.
38 Yo hablo lo que he visto cerca del Padre; y vosotros hacéis lo que habéis oído cerca de vuestro padre.
17 El que quisiere hacer su voluntad, conocerá de la doctrina si viene de Dios, ó si yo hablo de mí mismo.
50 Y sé que su mandamiento es vida eterna: así que, lo que yo hablo, como el Padre me lo ha dicho, así hablo.
26 Muchas cosas tengo que decir y juzgar de vosotros: mas el que me envió, es verdadero: y yo, lo que he oído de él, esto hablo en el mundo.
18 No hablo de todos vosotros: yo sé los que he elegido: mas para que se cumpla la Escritura: El que come pan conmigo, levantó contra mí su calcañar.
28 Díjoles pues, Jesús: Cuando levantareis al Hijo del hombre, entonces entenderéis que yo soy, y que nada hago de mí mismo; mas como el Padre me enseñó, esto hablo.
ó, ¿Qué hablas con ella?
Despierta, hablas, y al hablar, vibrantes Tus palabras parecen Lluvia de perlas que en dorada copa Se derrama á torrentes?[5] Dormida, en el murmullo de tu aliento Acompasado y tenue, Escucho yo un poema, que mi alma Enamorada entiende ...
¿De dónde me hablas?
10 Entonces dícele Pilato: ¿A mí no me hablas?
_Despierta, hablas, y al hablar, vibrantes_, p.
29 Dícenle sus discípulos: He aquí, ahora hablas claramente, y ningún proverbio dices.
No entendemos lo que habla.
Él habla alto y distintamente.
es el tercero que me habla de una cabra.
Algunas veces habla bajo e indistintamente.
En toda Sevilla no se habla de otra cosa....
Puede decirse, pues, que habla en hojalatero.
Cuando el maestro habla y explica Carlos no escucha.
Cuando se habla del juez como artista, ¿a qué se refiere?
Echeverría[30] habla la lengua de los hombres rurales de Costa Rica.
Cuando habla mentira, de suyo habla; porque es mentiroso, y padre de mentira.
habla de...=; =a propósito de....= [3] =de sangre,= _horse or mule power_.
es precisamente.= [21] =el habla popular,= _the language of the common people_.
Otras veces habla muy lentamente porque no ha estudiado su lección con diligencia.
VARIANT: =El habla de la gente del pueblo.= [22] =a mayor abundamiento,= _furthermore_.
La gente ilustrada lo habla poco más o menos con la misma corrección en todos los países de origen español.
Poe, a su vez, habla «de la mezquina amistad y de la fidelidad de polvillo de fruta (gossamer fidelity) del mero hombre».
II Entre los monteros de don Dionís habla uno llamado Garcés, hijo de un antiguo servidor de la familia, y por tanto el más querido de sus señores.
ahí, hombre?--Señor,--contestó humildemente éste,--estaba esperando...--¿Porqué no ha llamado Vd., santo varón?--Ya ve Vd., como uno es un pobre zapatero...--¡Qué habla Vd.
Los otros retratos, como el de Halpin para la edición de Amstrong, nos dan ya tipos de lechuguinos de la época, ya caras que nada tienen que ver con la cabeza bella e inteligente de que habla Clark.
II.--LAS CASAS DE COMERCIO[1] _Adjectives; =cada= and =todo=; =Business Vocabulary= (except =Banking=)_ --Se habla mucho en estos días[2] de la gran prosperidad de los negocios[3] en la América latina.
que en el aislamiento en que viven, cada una de esas repúblicas ha desarrollado por su lado el habla popular[21]; cada una ha amoldado el idioma hablado al ambiente físico peculiar, a las ocupaciones y tradiciones locales.
Éste es quizás el más importante de todos ellos, por tener gramática, literatura y teatro, y se habla en el principado de Cataluña que lo componen 15 las provincias de Tarragona, Barcelona, Lérida y Gerona.
Ustedes agrupan a todos los países que quedan al sur del Río Bravo del Norte (Río Grande) bajo un solo nombre; el de América latina, o por lo menos el de América española cuando excluyen de la cuenta al Brasil que habla otra lengua y al que tal vez atribuyen tradiciones diferentes.
Se hace esfuerzos por conservar las formas puras y el significado propio de las palabras; pero cuando las voces nuevas o alteradas en su acepción responden a diferencias en el ambiente y las costumbres, se muestra el mismo celo por consagrar su significado y arraigarlas en el habla popular.
No obstante de que en todas las escuelas y actos oficiales se usa el español, la gente habla dialectos y aún el español erróneamente, así vemos que los andaluces 25 que ocupan el sur de España, llamado Andalucía, hablan ceceoso, o sea pronunciando las más de las _eses, ces_ y todas las _ces, eses_.
El tío Fulano recobró su sangre fría, y expuso: --Usted es quien ha de ver lo que habla; porque si no prueba, y no podrá probar, su denuncia, lo llevaré á la cárcel por calumniador.--Estas calabazas eran mías; yo las he criado, como todas las que he traído este año á Cádiz, en mi huerta, y nadie podrá probarme lo contrario.
VARIANT: =Abunda en.= 9.--LA CALANDRIA: EL RUISEÑOR DE AMÉRICA Uno de los pájaros americanos que por la hermosura de su canto ha arrebatado la admiración del mundo antiguo, denominado por los naturalistas, _mimus_ o burlón y polígloto (que habla muchas lenguas), ha recibido entre nosotros el nombre inadecuado de calandria, siendo así que ni aun[1] pertenece al género de esta alondra, sino al de los mirlos.
Así para expresar que un hombre es valiente, dice él: «es como las armas»[8]; que un hombre es vivo: que «es como la luz»[9]; para hablar de una mujer linda, «es como las estrellas»; para indicar un caballo rápido, «es como águila»; para elogiar a un individuo firme que no cede a los embates de la mala fortuna, «es como cuadro».[10] Cuando habla de su caballo le llama «mancarrón»; a su mujer «la china»[11]; a sus amigos «aparceros»; a los muchachos del campo, «charabones».
NOTES: [Note 116: =dirigirse a=, _to address, to speak to_.] [Note 117: =por lo que a mí corresponde=, _as far as I am concerned_.] [Note 118: =llenar de=, _to fill with_.] [Note 119: =en cuanto a=, _as for, concerning_.] [Note 120: =admirado de=, _astonished at_.] [Note 121: =pedir algo a uno=, _to ask some one for something_.] =PENSAMIENTOS= No hay hombre más callado Que el que más habla, Pues siendo el que más dice, No dice nada.
Verbs of causation in Spanish take the infinitive after them instead of the past participle that is found in similar cases in English.] [Note 205: =en adelante=, _thenceforth, from that time on_.] [Note 206: =llegar a ser=, _to be finally, to get to be_.] =ARABESCO= Oyendo hablar a un hombre, fácil es Acertar dónde vió la luz del sol; Si os alaba a Inglaterra, será inglés, Si os habla mal de Prusia, es un francés, Y si habla mal de España, es español.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
--Ya que[2] habla Ud.
=habla=, _f._, speech.
¿De qué estación se habla?
¿Por qué habla lentamente?
¿Cómo habla él algunas veces?
¿Qué lengua se habla en Chile?
=habla=, _f._, speech, idiom, language.
37 Y díjole Jesús: Y le has visto, y el que habla contigo, él es.
--Se habla mucho de los patios, suponiéndoselos[152] típicos de España y de la América española.
34 Porque el que Dios envió, las palabras de Dios habla: porque no da Dios el Espíritu por medida.
26 Y he aquí, habla públicamente, y no le dicen nada; ¿si habrán entendido verdaderamente los príncipes, que éste es el Cristo?
31 El que de arriba viene, sobre todos es: el que es de la tierra, terreno es, y cosas terrenas habla: el que viene del cielo, sobre todos es.
18 El que habla de sí mismo, su propia gloria busca; mas el que busca la gloria del que le envió, éste es verdadero, y no hay en él injusticia.
Y pues de sueño hablamos, digo que el que tengo no es flojo, y con su permiso quisiera aprovecharlo.
--Sin duda todos los hispanoamericanos hablamos la lengua de la madre patria.
11 De cierto, de cierto te digo, que lo que sabemos hablamos, y lo que hemos visto, testificamos; y no recibís nuestro testimonio.
hablan 3 pl.
Nombre usted dos provincias de España en las cuales se hablan dialectos.
ADIVINANZAS ¿En qué mes hablan menos las mujeres?--En el de 5 febrero.
Observé que los párpados jamás se contraían, como es tan usual en la mayor parte de las personas, principalmente cuando hablan; pero su mirada siempre era llena, abierta y sin encogimiento ni emoción.
En las plateadas hojas de los álamos, en los huecos de las peñas, en las ondas del agua, parece que nos hablan los invisibles espíritus de la naturaleza, que reconocen un hermano en el inmortal espíritu del hombre.
XII.--ZONAS DE VEGETACIÓN _Physiographical Terms_ --Unos me hablan de la pobreza del suelo de la América latina y otros[1] me ponderan sus producciones, la profusión de su vegetación, lo magnífico y exuberante de sus selvas.
No obstante de que en todas las escuelas y actos oficiales se usa el español, la gente habla dialectos y aún el español erróneamente, así vemos que los andaluces 25 que ocupan el sur de España, llamado Andalucía, hablan ceceoso, o sea pronunciando las más de las _eses, ces_ y todas las _ces, eses_.
La reputación no le viene, sino muy tarde, cuando ya las fatigas del estudio, la lucha por la vida y las torturas de las pasiones han alterado su fisonomía primitiva; apenas deja sino una máscara usada, marchita, donde cada dolor ha puesto por estigma una magulladura o una arruga.» Desde niño, Poe «prometía una gran belleza.» Sus compañeros de colegio hablan de su agilidad y robustez.
A MI MADRE (_Soneto_) Porque siento que allá arriba, en el cielo, los ángeles que se hablan dulcemente al oído, no pueden encontrar entre sus radiantes palabras de amor una expresión más ferviente que la de «_madre_», he ahí por qué, desde hace largo tiempo os llamo con ese nombre querido, a ti que eres para mí más que una madre y que llenáis el santuario de mi corazón en el que la muerte os ha instalado, al libertar el alma de mi Virginia.
En esta conformidad se encontraban las cosas en la población donde tuvo lugar el suceso que voy á referir, cuando, una noche, ya á hora hastante avanzada, envueltos en sus obscures capotes de guerra y ensordeciendo las estrechas y solitarias calles que conducen desde la Puerta del Sol[4] á Zocodover,[5] con el choque de sus armas y el ruidoso golpear de los cascos de sus corceles que sacaban chispas de los pedernales, entraron en la ciudad hasta unos cien dragones de aquellos altos, arrogantes y fornidos, de que todavía nos hablan con admiración nuestras abuelas.
En esta conformidad se encontraban las cosas en la población donde tuvo lugar el suceso que voy á referir, cuando una noche, ya á hora bastante avanzada, envueltos en sus obscuros capotes de guerra y ensordeciendo las estrechas y solitarias calles que conducen desde la Puerta del Sol{145-4} á Zocodover,{145-5} con el choque de sus armas y el ruidoso golpear de los cascos de sus corceles que sacaban chispas de los pedernales, entraron en la ciudad hasta unos cien dragones de aquellos altos, arrogantes y fornidos, de que todavía nos hablan con admiración nuestras abuelas.
Una vez que se reponen, conocida y hasta celebrada la causa de la sorpresa que han experimentado, para hallar entonces motivo de charla, porque las mujeres no callan sino cuando duermen, si bien las hay que hasta hablan en sueños, pregunta una la hora que es; otra añade que tiene frío; y alguna, sintiendo así como[10] _una penita_ en el estómago,[11] según lo asevera, trata de buscar algo que la conforte: pero es lo malo, que[12] han concluido ya con todo, los que están en el comedor dejando sólo los huesos de las aceitunas; por lo que, no hay otro recurso que hacer chocolate.
¿En qué años hablan menos las mujeres?
¿Con qué hablan del hombre los borricos?
¿Y no es ya una muestra de ello esa nueva y vigorosa civilización que en el norte se levanta en medio de ciudades que se improvisan por la aglomeración súbita de inmigrantes que hablan todas las lenguas?
¿Sabes que todos los días roba, en distintos puntos de estas sierras, á algunos pasajeros, y después los asesina, pues dice que los muertos no hablan, y que ése es el único medio de que nunca dé con él la Justicia?{31-6} ¿Sabes, en fin, que ver á _Parrón_ es encontrarse con la muerte?
30 Ya no hablaré mucho con vosotros: porque viene el príncipe de este mundo; mas no tiene nada en mí.
25 Estas cosas os he hablado en proverbios: la hora viene cuando ya no os hablaré por proverbios, pero claramente os anunciaré del Padre.
19.--SUCRE No es que en Sucre faltaran hoteles--aunque de esto hablaré más adelante--pero yo tenía que atenerme a los bodegones, vulgo[1] _picanterías_.
13 Pero cuando viniere aquel Espíritu de verdad, él os guiará á toda verdad; porque no hablará de sí mismo, sino que hablará todo lo que oyere, y os hará saber las cosas que han de venir.
20 Respondiéronles sus padres y dijeron: Sabemos que éste es nuestro hijo, y que nació ciego: 21 Mas cómo vea ahora, no sabemos; ó quién le haya abierto los ojos, nosotros no lo sabemos; él tiene edad, preguntadle á él; él hablará de sí.
Siéntate a comer y hablaremos.
of_ =hablar= =hablar= to speak =hablaremos= _1 pl.
--¡Y hablaremos de mujeres, á propósito de la dama del anfitrión!
--Amigo,--dijo con una sonrisa muy fina,--ya no hablaremos más de eso.
1585) and father of lyric poetry in France.] --Y hablaremos de mujeres, á proposito de la dama del anfitrión.
No hablaba á sordos, y como listos no había más que pedirnos.
Como no hablaba nunca del espejo, el padre le olvidó del todo.
ó no veía, creyendo que allí se hablaba buenamente de sellos....
Mientras Iñigo hablaba, Fernando, absorto en sus ideas, sacaba maquinalmente astillas de su escaño de ébano con el cuchillo de monte.
El vizcaíno, su criado, pensando que a él le hablaba el obispo, respondió muy alto:--David dice: 'No daré carne al obispo si primero no paga.' [Illustration:] 33.
Mientras el cura hablaba por el tubo de lata, el 25 sacristán movía sus labios, accionando de modo que sus brazos parecían aspas de molinos de viento.
Mientras ella hablaba así, el joven, absorto en la contemplación de su fantástica hermosura, atraído como por una fuerza desconocida, se aproximaba más y más al borde de la roca.
Á pesar de eso, una vez bailando, como estaba triste y hablaba poco, le pregunté si estaba enfadado, y él me contestó: «Yo no me enfado con nadie, y mucho menos contigo.» Yo me puse colorada...
Es fama que el Tasso hablaba correctamente a los seis meses, a los tres años estudiaba la gramática, a los cuatro empezaba sus estudios clásicos, y a los siete 20 escribía el latín y hablaba el griego.
only of.' [50.17] =novios en regla=, 'real lovers.' Here _novio_ does not mean formally 'betrothed.' [50.19] =se hablaba de=, 'they were speaking of.' [50.24] =¡Jesús, María y José!= 'great heavens!' Custom has made this invocation of the Holy Family less sacrilegious in Spanish than in English.
El padre indignado, mientras vivió, de la ingratitud del hijo, no quería oir su nombre; pero el ciego le guardaba todavía mucho cariño; no podía menos de recordar que aquel hermano, mayor que él, había sido su sostén en la niñez, el defensor de su debilidad contra los ataques de los demás chicos, y que siempre le hablaba con dulzura.
La resultante de todos estos cambios de pronunciación débese a la influencia que tuvieron en el idioma de la Península las diferentes razas que de tiempo en tiempo invadieron a España y cuyas lenguas modificaron más o menos la que se hablaba en la península ibérica, como se le llamaba a España 5 antiguamente.
En los distintos corrillos que se habían formado, se hablaba en voz alta, se discutía, se armaban apuestas y se ponderaban las virtudes y los méritos de los ciudadanos inscriptos en las listas.--Eran todos la flor y crema[9] del partido; ninguna tacha podía arrojárseles; en cambio, a los que figuraban en la lista contraria, se les aplicaban los dicterios más usuales del vocabulario callejero.[10] Se les presentaba como a seres de otra especie.
Por último, viendo perdida toda esperanza, pidió como última merced que la dejasen un instante implorar del cielo, antes de morir, el perdón de sus culpas, y de rodillas al borde de la cortadura como estaba, la vieja inclinó la cabeza, juntó las manos y comenzó á murmurar entre dientes qué sé yo qué imprecaciones ininteligibles: palabras que yo no podía oir por la distancia que me separaba de ella, pero que ni los mismos que estaban á su lado lograron entender; Unos aseguran que hablaba en latín, otros que en una lengua salvaje y desconocida, no faltando quien pudo comprender que en efecto rezaba, aunque diciendo las oraciones al revés, como es costumbre de estas malas mujeres.
21 Mas él hablaba del templo de su cuerpo.
27 Mas no entendieron que él les hablaba del Padre.
13 Mas ninguno hablaba abiertamente de él, por miedo de los Judíos.
--Sí...--murmuró Currín, por cuya boca hablaba el buen sentido y la realidad--pero...
13 Mas [esto] decía Jesús de la muerte de él: y ellos pensaron que hablaba del reposar del sueño.
27 Y en esto vinieron sus discípulos, y maravilláronse de que hablaba con mujer; mas ninguno dijo: ¿Qué preguntas?
71 Y hablaba de Judas Iscariote, [hijo] de Simón, porque éste era el que le había de entregar, el cual era uno de los doce.
15 Mientras hablaba de este modo el leñador, iba apareciendo ante su vista una bella figura de mujer vestida de blanco.
No hablaba á sordos, y como listos no había más que pedirnos.
Como no hablaba nunca del espejo, el padre le olvidó del todo.
ó no veía, creyendo que allí se hablaba buenamente de sellos....
Mientras Iñigo hablaba, Fernando, absorto en sus ideas, sacaba maquinalmente astillas de su escaño de ébano con el cuchillo de monte.
El vizcaíno, su criado, pensando que a él le hablaba el obispo, respondió muy alto:--David dice: 'No daré carne al obispo si primero no paga.' [Illustration:] 33.
Mientras el cura hablaba por el tubo de lata, el 25 sacristán movía sus labios, accionando de modo que sus brazos parecían aspas de molinos de viento.
Mientras ella hablaba así, el joven, absorto en la contemplación de su fantástica hermosura, atraído como por una fuerza desconocida, se aproximaba más y más al borde de la roca.
Á pesar de eso, una vez bailando, como estaba triste y hablaba poco, le pregunté si estaba enfadado, y él me contestó: «Yo no me enfado con nadie, y mucho menos contigo.» Yo me puse colorada...
Es fama que el Tasso hablaba correctamente a los seis meses, a los tres años estudiaba la gramática, a los cuatro empezaba sus estudios clásicos, y a los siete 20 escribía el latín y hablaba el griego.
only of.' [50.17] =novios en regla=, 'real lovers.' Here _novio_ does not mean formally 'betrothed.' [50.19] =se hablaba de=, 'they were speaking of.' [50.24] =¡Jesús, María y José!= 'great heavens!' Custom has made this invocation of the Holy Family less sacrilegious in Spanish than in English.
El padre indignado, mientras vivió, de la ingratitud del hijo, no quería oir su nombre; pero el ciego le guardaba todavía mucho cariño; no podía menos de recordar que aquel hermano, mayor que él, había sido su sostén en la niñez, el defensor de su debilidad contra los ataques de los demás chicos, y que siempre le hablaba con dulzura.
La resultante de todos estos cambios de pronunciación débese a la influencia que tuvieron en el idioma de la Península las diferentes razas que de tiempo en tiempo invadieron a España y cuyas lenguas modificaron más o menos la que se hablaba en la península ibérica, como se le llamaba a España 5 antiguamente.
En los distintos corrillos que se habían formado, se hablaba en voz alta, se discutía, se armaban apuestas y se ponderaban las virtudes y los méritos de los ciudadanos inscriptos en las listas.--Eran todos la flor y crema[9] del partido; ninguna tacha podía arrojárseles; en cambio, a los que figuraban en la lista contraria, se les aplicaban los dicterios más usuales del vocabulario callejero.[10] Se les presentaba como a seres de otra especie.
Por último, viendo perdida toda esperanza, pidió como última merced que la dejasen un instante implorar del cielo, antes de morir, el perdón de sus culpas, y de rodillas al borde de la cortadura como estaba, la vieja inclinó la cabeza, juntó las manos y comenzó á murmurar entre dientes qué sé yo qué imprecaciones ininteligibles: palabras que yo no podía oir por la distancia que me separaba de ella, pero que ni los mismos que estaban á su lado lograron entender; Unos aseguran que hablaba en latín, otros que en una lengua salvaje y desconocida, no faltando quien pudo comprender que en efecto rezaba, aunque diciendo las oraciones al revés, como es costumbre de estas malas mujeres.
21 Mas él hablaba del templo de su cuerpo.
27 Mas no entendieron que él les hablaba del Padre.
13 Mas ninguno hablaba abiertamente de él, por miedo de los Judíos.
--Sí...--murmuró Currín, por cuya boca hablaba el buen sentido y la realidad--pero...
13 Mas [esto] decía Jesús de la muerte de él: y ellos pensaron que hablaba del reposar del sueño.
27 Y en esto vinieron sus discípulos, y maravilláronse de que hablaba con mujer; mas ninguno dijo: ¿Qué preguntas?
71 Y hablaba de Judas Iscariote, [hijo] de Simón, porque éste era el que le había de entregar, el cual era uno de los doce.
15 Mientras hablaba de este modo el leñador, iba apareciendo ante su vista una bella figura de mujer vestida de blanco.
Pedro iba en el centro, junto a Aliatar, y los dos caballeros hablaban amigablemente.
Eran dos hojas secas las que hablaban, y éste, poco más ó menos, su extraño diálogo: ¿De donde vienes, hermana?
of_ =haber= =habilidad= _f._ ability, talent =habitación= _f._ room =habitante= _m._ inhabitant =hablaban= _3 pl.
La abadesa del convento de Santa Inés y la hija de maese Pérez hablaban en voz baja, medio ocultas entre las sombras del coro de la iglesia.
Todas ellas hablaban; todas las flores que las rodeaban, florecían; y todos los pájaros domiciliados en aquellas enramadas, cantaban á la par.
Todos la conocían en Torresalinas y no hablaban de ella sin sonreir y guiñar un ojo, como si les recordase algo que excitaba malicioso regocijo.
No le había gustado la avidez con que sus criados hablaban del dinero que podía caerles.--¡Esa gente--decíase el marqués--no aguardaría sino á llenar la bolsa para plantarme!
Los borricos hablaban de él con desprecio, las serpientes con envidia, los zorros con burla, los monos le imitaban; pero el perro le defendía y el águila le respetaba, y su padre, el más poderoso león de los bosques, mostró temor al hablar del hombre.
Los chiquillos, tendidos sobre el vientre, jugaban á la _carteta_ á la sombra de las embarcaciones; y los viejos, fumando sus pipas de barro traídas de Argel, hablaban de la pesca ó de las magníficas expediciones que se hacían en otros tiempos á Gibraltar y á la costa de África, antes que al demonio se le ocurriera{51-2} inventar eso que llaman la Tabacalera.
Abrí los ojos según dejo dicho: me incorporé con sumo cuidado, y poniendo atención á aquel confuso murmullo que cada vez sonaba más próximo, oí en las ráfagas del aire, como gritos y cantares extraños, carcajadas y tres ó cuatro voces distintas que hablaban entre sí con un ruido y una algarabía semejante al de las muchachas del lugar, cuando riendo y bromeando por el camino, vuelven en bandadas de la fuente con sus cántaros á la cabeza.
55 Y la Pascua de los Judíos estaba cerca: y muchos subieron de aquella tierra á Jerusalem antes de la Pascua, para purificarse; 56 Y buscaban á Jesús, y hablaban los unos con los otros estando en el templo.
26, note 1.] En las ráfagas del aire y confundido con los leves rumores de la noche, creyó percibir un extraño rumor de voces delgadas, dulces y misteriosas que hablaban entre sí, reian ó cantaban cada cual por su parte y una cosa diferente, formando una algarabia tan ruidosa y confusa como la de los pájaros que despiertan al primer rayo del sol entre las frondas de una alameda.
Recobré al fin mi sangre fría, hablé á mi amigo, cogí sus manos, que estaban yertas, y las separé de su rostro, que parecía el de un muerto.
--Así no más.[18] Precisamente te llamaba para pedirte ciertos datos con el objeto de transmitirlos adonde tú sabes[19] en la esperanza de constituir la compañía telefónica de que te hablé hace algunos meses.
me habló ayer.
Estas cosas habló Jesús, y fuése, y escondióse de ellos.
Pero habló de modo de tranquilizarme y besó mi frente pálida.
En consecuencia de esto, una noche soñó con su zapatería y habló de sus hormas y de su lesna.
Y salió aquel discípulo que era conocido del pontífice, y habló á la portera, y metió dentro á Pedro.
El sabio habló a los obreros de esta manera: Una vez los órganos del cuerpo humano se rebelaron contra el estómago, y muy indignados le dijeron: --Nosotros trabajamos siempre mientras que tú nunca trabajas.
Capítulo 17 1 ESTAS cosas habló Jesús, y levantados los ojos al cielo, dijo: Padre, la hora es llegada; glorifica á tu Hijo, para que también tu Hijo te glorifique á ti; 2 Como le has dado la potestad de toda carne, para que dé vida eterna á todos los que le diste.
Su mamá le había dado jurisdicción sobre ellos hasta para castigarles, pero no quería usar de ella porque tenía miedo de que le perdiesen el cariño:{23-2} que la mamá se arreglara como pudiese.{23-3} Después habló del papá, que era muy serio, pero muy bueno; lo único que la tenía apesadumbrada era que parecía querer más á los chicos que á ellas.{23-4} La mamá, en cambio, mostraba predilección por las niñas.
¿De qué profetas habló el obispo en el sermón?
¡Celedonio (el cochero), habló de poner taberna.
41 Estas cosas dijo Isaías cuando vió su gloria, y habló de él.
29 Nosotros sabemos que á Moisés habló Dios: mas éste no sabemos de dónde es.
20 Estas palabras habló Jesús en el lugar de las limosnas, enseñando en el templo: y nadie le prendió; porque aun no había venido su hora.
Y pues de sueño hablamos, digo que el que tengo no es flojo, y con su permiso quisiera aprovecharlo.
--Sin duda todos los hispanoamericanos hablamos la lengua de la madre patria.
11 De cierto, de cierto te digo, que lo que sabemos hablamos, y lo que hemos visto, testificamos; y no recibís nuestro testimonio.
ind._ =hablaron= _3 pl.
De esta manera hablaron todos los órganos del cuerpo humano, resolviendo no trabajar más para el estómago.
Los dos hombres examinaron el cuadro con cuidado, hablaron en secreto algunos minutos y después el comprador dijo al prendero: 40 --Doy cuarenta mil reales por el cuadro y cuatro mil reales para Vd., si quiere venderlo.
No quiero hablar de las infinitas visitas ceremoniosas que antes de la hora de comer entraron y salieron en aquella casa, entre las cuales no eran de despreciar todos los empleados de su oficina, con sus señoras y sus niños, y sus capas, y sus paraguas, y sus chanclos, y sus perritos; déjome en blanco los necios cumplimientos que dijeron al señor de los días; no hablo del inmenso círculo con que guarnecía la sala el concurso de tantas personas heterogéneas, que hablaron de que el tiempo iba á mudar, y de que en invierno suele hacer más frío que en verano.
¿De qué hablaron los amigos?
Capítulo 16 1 ESTAS cosas os he hablado, para que no os escandalicéis.
pero no, es verdad, la[1] he hablado ya muchas veces, como te hablo á tí ahora ...
Éste es Juan de quien tanto os he hablado, á quien acabo de encontrar en la calle á punto de morirse helado entre la nieve....
Catorce años he puesto después en aprender a pronunciar el francés que no he hablado hasta 1846, después de haber llegado a Francia.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
25 Estas cosas os he hablado estando con vosotros.
33 Estas cosas os he hablado, para que en mí tengáis paz.
3 Ya vosotros sois limpios por la palabra que os he hablado.
6 Antes, porque os he hablado estas cosas, tristeza ha henchido vuestro corazón.
11 Estas cosas os he hablado, para que mi gozo esté en vosotros, y vuestro gozo sea cumplido.
23 Respondióle Jesús: Si he hablado mal, da testimonio del mal: y si bien, ¿por qué me hieres?
40 Empero ahora procuráis matarme, hombre que os he hablado la verdad, la cual he oído de Dios: no hizo esto Abraham.
63 El espíritu es el que da vida; la carne nada aprovecha: las palabras que yo os he hablado, son espíritu y son vida.
48 El que me desecha, y no recibe mis palabras, tiene quien le juzgue: la palabra que he hablado, ella le juzgará en el día postrero.
25 Estas cosas os he hablado en proverbios: la hora viene cuando ya no os hablaré por proverbios, pero claramente os anunciaré del Padre.
49 Porque yo no he hablado de mí mismo: mas el Padre que me envió, él me dió mandamiento de lo que he de decir, y de lo que he de hablar.
¿Tiene su merced noticia de alguna zorra que sepa tantas picardías como nosotros?--Repito, mi General, que, no sólo he visto á _Parrón_, sino que he hablado con él.
20 Jesús le respondió: Yo manifiestamente he hablado al mundo: yo siempre he enseñado en la sinagoga y en el templo, donde se juntan todos los Judíos, y nada he hablado en oculto.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
Otros decían: Angel le ha hablado.
Al día siguiente 60 fue a su padre y le dijo: --Señor padre, tal vez me he casado con un zapatero porque anoche en sueños ha hablado de sus hormas y de su lesna.
Se ha hablado tanto de la resistencia que ponen los exportadores norteamericanos para imitar los procedimientos comerciales europeos, que me interesa sobremanera saber en qué consisten estos últimos.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
46 Los ministriles respondieron: Nunca ha hablado hombre así como este hombre.
--Recientemente se ha hablado del petróleo argentino en los círculos financieros de Nueva York.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
¿De qué hemos hablado?
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
Lo bien que[248] comprendía Castelar las condiciones americanas se ve por el trozo de elocuencia que sigue: /F HEROÍSMO AMERICANO EN LA ABOLICIÓN DE LA ESCLAVITUD F/ Los Estados Unidos han invocado el Dios de la 5 libertad; han aceptado la guerra como un gran castigo por el pecado nacional de la esclavitud; han hablado a los dueños de esclavos en el sublime lenguaje de los antiguos profetas; se han desposeído de sus bienes para romper sus ergástulas; han dado su pura sangre sajona, 10 su blanca piel por la dignidad y por la libertad de aquellos negros, menos estimados que los perros; han ensangrentado el Misisipí; han cubierto de ruinas las llanuras y las montañas de Virginia; han inmolado en la cruzada de la dignidad y de la igualdad humanas un 15 millón de hombres que, las madres americanas, inclinadas las frentes sobre el Evangelio, han visto morir en la tierra, pero renacer en el cielo; y sobre las ruinas de Richmond, entre el choque de dos mundos, se han derretido las cadenas de tres millones de esclavos y se 20 ha levantado, como el epílogo de un gran poema, que está aguardando el genio de Homero aumentado por el genio del Dante, rejuvenecidos ambos por la savia del Nuevo Mundo; se ha levantado como epílogo de este poema el sacrificio de Lincoln, de ese segundo Cristo de 25 los negros.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
--Todo eso está muy bueno,[41]--dijo sonriendo el señor Matienzo, que hasta entonces no había hablado;--pero de nada valdría[42] el que los Estados Unidos poseyeran las fuentes de abastecimiento de sus mercados si al mismo tiempo no dispusieran de una marina mercante para el transporte de los productos.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
--Todo eso está muy bueno,[41]--dijo sonriendo el señor Matienzo, que hasta entonces no había hablado;--pero de nada valdría[42] el que los Estados Unidos poseyeran las fuentes de abastecimiento de sus mercados si al mismo tiempo no dispusieran de una marina mercante para el transporte de los productos.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
no hable V.
no hable Vd.
of_ =hablar= =hable= _1 and 3 sing.
of_ =hablar=; =hable Vd.= speak =habrán= _3 pl.
Pues, bien, yo haré que otro les hable por mí, en el púlpito.
elegir una persona que hable el castellano, y sobre todo que sea de una cultura y experiencia algo mayor de la que usualmente se requiere para tales trabajos en los Estados Unidos.
¡Que hable el P.
--Bien, hable Vd., pero tengo prisa y quiero el cuadro.
Esteban, exclamó don Dionís con aire burlón, sigue los consejos del preste de Tarazona; no hables de tus encuentros con los corzos amigos de burlas, no sea que haga el diablo que al fin pierdas el poco juicio que tienes; y pues ya estás provisto de los Evangelios y sabes las oraciones de San Bartolomé, vuélvete á tus corderos, que comienzan á desbandarse por la cañada.
--No hables mal del hombre, animal, bárbaro y salvaje.
no hable V.
no hable Vd.
of_ =hablar= =hable= _1 and 3 sing.
of_ =hablar=; =hable Vd.= speak =habrán= _3 pl.
Pues, bien, yo haré que otro les hable por mí, en el púlpito.
elegir una persona que hable el castellano, y sobre todo que sea de una cultura y experiencia algo mayor de la que usualmente se requiere para tales trabajos en los Estados Unidos.
¡Que hable el P.
--Bien, hable Vd., pero tengo prisa y quiero el cuadro.
No hablemos de[17] golosinas hechas con maíz, pues son infinitas.
[17] =No hablemos de ...=, _We would better not speak of ..._.
exclamó Garcés, en cuanto á eso estad segura que como yo la topase á tiro de ballesta, aunque me hiciese más monos que un juglar, aunque me hablara, no ya en romance, sino en latín como el abad de Munilla,[1] no se iba[2] sin un arpón en el cuerpo.
La prolongada espera, llevadera al principio, resultó insoportable al fin; así es que los viajeros aburridos y hambrientos, dejando sus asientos, se apearon y fueron en busca de alguna fonda o posada donde se 5 hablara el inglés, lo cual es inútil decir que no hallaron, pues en La Mancha el saber inglés es una _rara avis_.[166] ¡Qué habían de encontrar en un pueblucho de La Mancha!
exclamó Garcés, en cuanto á eso estad segura que como yo la topase á tiro de ballesta, aunque me hiciese más monos que un juglar, aunque me hablara, no ya en romance, sino en latín como el abad de Munilla,[1] no se iba[2] sin un arpón en el cuerpo.
La prolongada espera, llevadera al principio, resultó insoportable al fin; así es que los viajeros aburridos y hambrientos, dejando sus asientos, se apearon y fueron en busca de alguna fonda o posada donde se 5 hablara el inglés, lo cual es inútil decir que no hallaron, pues en La Mancha el saber inglés es una _rara avis_.[166] ¡Qué habían de encontrar en un pueblucho de La Mancha!
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
22 Si no hubiera venido, ni les hubiera hablado, no tendrían pecado, mas ahora no tienen excusa de su pecado.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo com =iese= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieses= _You might eat, etc._ él, ella com =iese= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iese= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iésemos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ieseis= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =iesen= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =iesen= _You might eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo com =iera= _I might eat, be eating._[374] tú com =ieras= _You might eat, etc._ é1, ella com =iera= _He, she might eat, etc._ usted com =iera= _You might eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéramos= _We might eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =ierais= _You might eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieran= _They might eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieran= _You might eat, etc._ FUTURO yo com =iere= _I may eat, be eating._[379] tú com =ieres= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella com =iere= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =iere= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =iéremos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =iereis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieren= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =ieren= _You may eat, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= come (tú) _eat_ (_thou_) comed (vosotros) _eat_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber comido=, _to have eaten_ =habiendo comido=, _having eaten_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he comido _I have eaten, have been eating._ tú has comido _You have eaten, etc._ él, ella ha comido _He, she has eaten, etc._ usted ha comido _You have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos comido _We have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis comido _You have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas han comido _They have eaten, etc._ ustedes han comido _You have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había comido _I had eaten, had been eating._ tú habías comido _You had eaten, etc._ él, ella había comido _He, she had eaten, etc._ usted había comido _You had eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habíamos comido _We had eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habíais comido _You had eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habían comido _They had eaten, etc._ ustedes habían comido _You had eaten, etc._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube comido _I had eaten._ tú hubiste comido _You had eaten._ él, ella hubo comido _He, she had eaten._ usted hubo comido _You had eaten._ nosotros (as) hubimos comido _We had eaten._ vosotros (as) hubisteis comido _You had eaten._ ellos, ellas hubieron comido _They had eaten._ ustedes hubieron comido _You had eaten._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré comido _I shall have eaten, been eating._ tú habrás comido _You will have eaten, etc._ él, ella habrá comido _He, she will have eaten, etc._ usted habrá comido _You will have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos comido _We shall have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis comido _You will have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán comido _They will have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrán comido _You will have eaten, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría comido _I should or would have eaten, been eating._ tú habrías comido _You would have eaten, etc._ él, ella habría comido _He, she would have eaten, etc._ usted habría comido _You would have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos comido _We should or would have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais comido _You would have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían comido _They would have eaten, etc._ ustedes habrían comido _You would have eaten, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[380] tú hayas comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella haya comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted haya comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hayan comido _You may have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieses comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiese comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiese comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubiesen comido _You might have eaten, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera comido _I might have eaten, been eating._[374] tú hubieras comido _You might have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiera comido _He, she might have eaten, etc._ usted hubiera comido _You might have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos comido _We might have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais comido _You might have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran comido _They might have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieran comido _You might have eaten, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere comido _I may have eaten, been eating._[381] tú hubieres comido _You may have eaten, etc._ él, ella hubiere comido _He, she may have eaten, etc._ usted hubiere comido _You may have eaten, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos comido _We may have eaten, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis comido _You may have eaten, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren comido _They may have eaten, etc._ ustedes hubieren comido _You may have eaten, etc._ =Tercera Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =vivir=, _to live_ =viviendo=, _living_ =vivido=, _lived_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo viv =o= _I live, am living, do live._ tú viv =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _live, etc._ él, ella viv =e= _He, she lives, etc._ usted viv =e= _You_ (polite singular) _live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =ís= _You_ (familiar plural) _live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =en= _They live, etc._ ustedes viv =en= _You_ (polite plural) _live, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo viv =ía= _I was living, used to live, etc._ tú viv =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were living, etc._ él, ella viv =ía= _He, she was living, etc._ usted viv =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were living, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =íamos= _We were living, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were living, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ían= _They were living._ ustedes viv =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were living, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo viv =í= _I lived, did live._ tú viv =iste= _You lived, etc._ él, ella viv =ió= _He, she lived, etc._ usted viv =ió= _You lived, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =imos= _We lived, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =isteis= _You lived, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =ieron= _They lived, etc._ ustedes viv =ieron= _You lived, etc._ FUTURO yo vivir =é= _I shall live, be living._ tú vivir =ás= _You will live, etc._ él, ella vivir =á= _He, she will live, etc._ usted vivir =á= _You will live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =emos= _We shall live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =éis= _You will live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =án= _They will live, etc._ ustedes vivir =án= _You will live, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo vivir =ía= _I should or would live, be living._[374] tú vivir =ías= _You would live, etc._ él, ella vivir =ía= _He, she would live, etc._ usted vivir =ía= _You would live, etc._ nosotros (as) vivir =íamos= _We should or would live, etc._ vosotros (as) vivir =íais= _You would live, etc._ ellos, ellas vivir =ían= _They would live, etc._ ustedes vivir =ían= _You would live, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo viv =a= _I may live, be living._[382] tú viv =as= _You may live, etc._ él, ella viv =a= _He, she may live, etc._ usted viv =a= _You may live, etc._ nosotros (as) viv =amos= _We may live, etc._ vosotros (as) viv =áis= _You may live, etc._ ellos, ellas viv =an= _They may live, etc._ ustedes viv =an= _You may live, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo viv =iese= _I might live, be living_.[374] tú viv =ieses= _You might live, etc_.
tú hablar =ás= _You will speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =á= _He, she will speak, etc._ usted hablar =á= _You will speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =emos= _We shall speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =éis= _You will speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =án= _They will speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =án= _You will speak._ CONDICIONAL yo hablar =ía= _I should or would speak, be speaking._ tú hablar =ías= _You would speak, etc._ él, ella hablar =ía= _He, she would speak, etc._ usted hablar =ía= _You would speak, etc._ nosotros (as) hablar =íamos= _We should or would speak, etc._ vosotros (as) hablar =íais= _You would speak, etc._ ellos, ellas hablar =ían= _They would speak, etc._ ustedes hablar =ían= _You would speak, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo habl =e= _I may speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =es= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =e= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =e= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =emos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =éis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =en= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =en= _You may speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo habl =ase= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =ases= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ase= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ase= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =ásemos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =aseis= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =asen= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =asen= _You might speak, etc._ IMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo habl =ara= _I might speak, be speaking._[374] tú habl =aras= _You might speak, etc._ él, ella habl =ara= _He, she might speak, etc._ usted habl =ara= _You might speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áramos= _We might speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =arais= _You might speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aran= _They might speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aran= _You might speak, etc._ FUTURO yo habl =are= _I may speak, be speaking._[375] tú habl =ares= _You may speak, etc._ él, ella habl =are= _He, she may speak, etc._ usted habl =are= _You may speak, etc._ nosotros (as) habl =áremos= _We may speak, etc._ vosotros (as) habl =areis= _You may speak, etc._ ellos, ellas habl =aren= _They may speak, etc._ ustedes habl =aren= _You may speak, etc._ =Modo Imperativo= habla (tú) _speak_ (_thou_) hablad (vosotros) _speak_ (_ye_) =TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO =haber hablado=, _to have spoken_ =habiendo hablado=, _having spoken_ =Modo Indicativo= PERFECTO yo he hablado _I have spoken, have been speaking._ tú has hablado _You have spoken, etc._ él, ella ha hablado _He, she has spoken, etc._ usted ha hablado _You have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hemos hablado _We have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habéis hablado _You have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas han hablado _They have spoken, etc._ ustedes han hablado _You have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO yo había hablado _I had spoken, had been speaking._ tú habías hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella había hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted había hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) habíamos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) habíais hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas habían hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes habían hablado _You had spoken._ PRETÉRITO PERFECTO yo hube hablado _I had spoken._ tú hubiste hablado _You had spoken._ él, ella hubo hablado _He, she had spoken._ usted hubo hablado _You had spoken._ nosotros (as) hubimos hablado _We had spoken._ vosotros (as) hubisteis hablado _You had spoken._ ellos, ellas hubieron hablado _They had spoken._ ustedes hubieron hablado _You had spoken._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo habré hablado _I shall have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrás hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ él, ella habrá hablado _He, she will have spoken, etc._ usted habrá hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habremos hablado _We shall have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habréis hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrán hablado _They will have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrán hablado _You will have spoken, etc._ CONDICIONAL PERFECTO yo habría hablado _I should or would have spoken, been speaking._ tú habrías hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ el, ella habría hablado _He, she would have spoken, etc._ usted habría hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) habríamos hablado _We should or would have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) habríais hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas habrían hablado _They would have spoken, etc._ ustedes habrían hablado _You would have spoken, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PERFECTO yo haya hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[376] tú hayas hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella haya hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted haya hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hayamos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hayáis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hayan hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hayan hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA yo hubiese hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieses hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiese hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiese hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiésemos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubieseis hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubiesen hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubiesen hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ PLUSCUAMPERFECTO, SEGUNDA FORMA yo hubiera hablado _I might have spoken, been speaking._[374] tú hubieras hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiera hablado _He, she might have spoken, etc._ usted hubiera hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéramos hablado _We might have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubierais hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieran hablado _They might have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieran hablado _You might have spoken, etc._ FUTURO PERFECTO yo hubiere hablado _I may have spoken, been speaking._[377] tú hubieres hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ él, ella hubiere hablado _He, she may have spoken, etc._ usted hubiere hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ nosotros (as) hubiéremos hablado _We may have spoken, etc._ vosotros (as) hubiereis hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ ellos, ellas hubieren hablado _They may have spoken, etc._ ustedes hubieren hablado _You may have spoken, etc._ =Segunda Conjugación= INFINITIVO GERUNDIO PARTICIPIO PASIVO =comer=, _to eat_ =comiendo=, _eating_ =comido=, _eaten_ =TIEMPOS SIMPLES= =Modo Indicativo= PRESENTE yo com =o= _I eat, am eating, do eat._ tú com =es= _You_ (familiar singular) _eat, etc._ él, ella com =e= _He, she eats, etc._ usted com =e= _You_ (polite singular) _eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =emos= _We eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =éis= _You_ (familiar plural) _eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =en= _They eat, etc._ ustedes com =en= _You_ (polite plural) _eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO yo com =ía= _I was eating, used to eat, ate._ tú com =ías= _You_ (familiar singular) _were eating, etc._ él, ella com =ía= _He, she was eating, etc._ usted com =ía= _You_ (polite singular) _were eating, etc._ nosotros (as) com =íamos= _We were eating, etc._ vosotros (as) com =íais= _You_ (familiar plural) _were eating, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ían= _They were eating, etc._ ustedes com =ían= _You_ (polite plural) _were eating, etc._ PRETÉRITO yo com =í= _I ate, did eat._ tú com =iste= _You ate, etc._ él, ella com =ió= _He, she ate, etc._ usted com =ió= _You ate, etc._ nosotros (as) com =imos= _We ate, etc._ vosotros (as) com =isteis= _You ate, etc._ ellos, ellas com =ieron= _They ate, etc._ ustedes com =ieron= _You ate, etc._ FUTURO yo comer =é= _I shall eat, be eating._ tú comer =ás= _You will eat, etc._ él, ella comer =á= _He, she will eat, etc._ usted comer =á= _You will eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =emos= _We shall eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =éis= _You will eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =án= _They will eat, etc._ ustedes comer =án= _You will eat, etc._ CONDICIONAL yo comer =ía= _I should or would eat, be eating._ tú comer =ías= _You would eat, etc._ él, ella comer =ía= _He, she would eat, etc._ usted comer =ía= _You would eat, etc._ nosotros (as) comer =íamos= _We should or would eat, etc._ vosotros (as) comer =íais= _You would eat, etc._ ellos, ellas comer =ían= _They would eat, etc._ ustedes comer =ían= _You would eat, etc._ =Modo Subjuntivo= PRESENTE yo com =a= _I may eat, be eating._[378] tú com =as= _You may eat, etc._ él, ella, com =a= _He, she may eat, etc._ usted com =a= _You may eat, etc._ nosotros (as) com =amos= _We may eat, etc._ vosotros (as) com =áis= _You may eat, etc._ ellos, ellas com =an= _They may eat, etc._ ustedes com =an= _You may eat, etc._ IMPERFECTO, PRIMERA FORMA