A realistic literature,
therefore, that describes accurately the doings and the environment of
Spanish villagers must be regional: it can not be broadly national.
Espronceda describes effectively a
similar miraculous extinguishing and relighting of a lamp before a
shrine, in Part IV of his _Estudiante de Salamanca_:
La moribunda lámpara que ardÃa
Trémula lanza su postrer fulgor,
Y en honda obscuridad, noche sombrÃa
La misteriosa calle encapotó.
Belief in a series of heavenly
spheres, such as Dante describes, has characterized most mystical
Por una escala[1] misteriosa vió bajar las almas á la tierra; vió
bajar muchas, y subir pocas.[2] Cada una de aquellas almas inocentes
iba acompañada de un arcángel purÃsimo que le cubrÃa con la sombra de
sus alas.
_La Buenaventura_
describes the conditions that existed formerly in certain parts of
In one of Becquer's most beautiful writings in prose, in a _Prológo_
to a collection of _Cantares_ by Augusto Ferran y Forniés, our author
describes two kinds of poetry that present themselves to one's choice:
"There is a poetry which is magnificent and sonorous, the offspring of
meditation and art, which adorns itself with all the pomp of language,
moves along with a cadenced majesty, speaks to the imagination,
perfects its images, and leads it at will through unknown paths,
beguiling with its harmony and beauty." "There is another poetry,
natural, rapid, terse, which springs from the soul as an electric
spark, which strikes our feelings with a word, and flees away.
describir, to describe.
caracterizar, to characterize, describe.
pintar, to paint, picture, describe, depict.
referir, to relate, narrate, tell, mention, describe, report; _refl._,
to refer, have to do, consist; ¿á qué se refiere?
The subtle charm of such legends as _Los Ojos Verdes_, _La Corza
Blanca_, _Maese Pérez el Organista_, etc., full of local color as they
are, and of an atmosphere of old Spain, is hard to describe, but none
the less real.
To describe an object as
to its color, it is customary in Spanish to use the word =color=
preceded by the preposition =de= and followed by the adjective of
[Note 80: =cubierto de=, _covered with_.]
[Note 81: =tener afilados los dientes=, _to have sharp teeth_.]
[Note 82: =subir a=, _to climb_.]
[Note 83: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 84: =soler=, _to be accustomed_.
And all describe
recent conditions,--except the tale, partly historical and partly
legendary, by Bécquer, which goes back to the invasion of Spain by the
French under Napoleon in the early years of the nineteenth century; the
story by Larra, which, however, is nearly as true of Castile to-day as
it was when written; and Trueba's story, which is partly legendary,
partly symbolic, and partly realistic.
=describir,= to describe.
=describir=, to describe.
=pintar=, to paint, describe.
=caracterizar=, to describe, characterize.
=describir,= (_p.p._ =descrito=), to describe.
5 Porque Moisés describe la justicia que es por la ley: Que el hombre
que hiciere estas cosas, vivirá por ellas.
EscrÃbase un tema en que se describa un viaje imaginario desde Nueva
York a Cuenca.
EscrÃbase un tema en que se describa un viaje imaginario desde Nueva
York a Cuenca.
describir, to describe.
caracterizar, to characterize, describe.
pintar, to paint, picture, describe, depict.
referir, to relate, narrate, tell, mention, describe, report; _refl._,
to refer, have to do, consist; ¿á qué se refiere?
The subtle charm of such legends as _Los Ojos Verdes_, _La Corza
Blanca_, _Maese Pérez el Organista_, etc., full of local color as they
are, and of an atmosphere of old Spain, is hard to describe, but none
the less real.
To describe an object as
to its color, it is customary in Spanish to use the word =color=
preceded by the preposition =de= and followed by the adjective of
[Note 80: =cubierto de=, _covered with_.]
[Note 81: =tener afilados los dientes=, _to have sharp teeth_.]
[Note 82: =subir a=, _to climb_.]
[Note 83: =valerse de=, _to make use of_.]
[Note 84: =soler=, _to be accustomed_.
And all describe
recent conditions,--except the tale, partly historical and partly
legendary, by Bécquer, which goes back to the invasion of Spain by the
French under Napoleon in the early years of the nineteenth century; the
story by Larra, which, however, is nearly as true of Castile to-day as
it was when written; and Trueba's story, which is partly legendary,
partly symbolic, and partly realistic.
=describir,= to describe.
=describir=, to describe.
=pintar=, to paint, describe.
=caracterizar=, to describe, characterize.
=describir,= (_p.p._ =descrito=), to describe.
5 Porque Moisés describe la justicia que es por la ley: Que el hombre
que hiciere estas cosas, vivirá por ellas.
EscrÃbase un tema en que se describa un viaje imaginario desde Nueva
York a Cuenca.